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I was currently trying to find something to wear on my date with Chance tonight. I finally decided on a casual outfit, something comfortable.

Mikey showed up a few minutes ago so now he's sprawled out on my bed scrolling on his phone.

"Mikey, how does this look?" I ask him after I've changed into the outfit.

And no, I didn't change in front of him. I have before but I figured that wouldn't be appropriate anymore.

He rolls over so that he's now laying on his back and looks up at me, "Wow. Yeah, that looks good."

I smile and quickly do a 360 spin in front of the mirror. I do look pretty good, if I say so myself.

I get a text from Chance saying that he is waiting for me outside.

"Okay I'm leaving. Will you be here when I get back?" I grab my purse and throw my phone in it.

He shrugs, "I might. Most likely. I don't really feel like going home right now," he gives me a sad small smile.

Things have been rough with his family lately so he's been coming over quite often. Apparently his mom is stressing over bills and her shop hasn't been doing too well.

"I understand. I'll see you when I get back then."


"Wow, you look great," Chance compliments as we walk to the movie theater. It wasn't too far from my house so I suggested we go for a walk.

"Thank you," I blush.

We do a little catching up since we haven't seen each other since our last date. Of course we've been texting but it's not the same as talking in person.

I felt like I was acting a little strange around him now, since all I could think about is Reyna and Mikey's words about Chance not kissing me on our first date.

The last thing I wanted was to ruin this date by getting too wrapped up in my own thoughts. I didn't want to rush things, so I shouldn't let them get into my head.

"Are you okay?" Chance asks when we turn the corner of the street that the theater is on.

"Yeah of course. I'm okay," I smile.

I could tell he knew something was up but he didn't say anything. Instead we continue on with our date and I push all of my thoughts to the back of my mind.

As we wait for the movie to begin, I notice that there aren't too many people here which I like. The movie has been out for a while now so that explains it.

Chance and I talk about random stuff until the advertisements stop and the movie finally starts. I feel Chance grab my hand in his and I get butterflies in my stomach. I glance at him with a smile before turning my attention back to the screen.

We watch the movie, which is definitely one of my favorites now; we laughed and I even teared up at some parts. I managed to hide that though - at least I thought I did.

"That movie was great, kind of a tear-jerker huh?" he jokes, pointing out that he noticed me getting emotional.

"Aw I thought I did a pretty good job at covering it up," I pout.

I notice him glance at my lips before meeting my eyes again. Cue more butterflies.

"You did but I guess I know you pretty well."

I bite my lip before continuing to walk beside him. He tells me about his work and how they are pressuring him for his diploma.

"I know I promised them I would get my diploma, but I thought I'd have more time. I've been studying to take the test but... I'm so nervous, Alanna," he tells me.

We're now at the park and we sit down on one of the benches.

I take one of his hands in mine and turn sideways to face him, "You'll do great. I know you will."

He sighs, "I hope so. If this job doesn't work out, I don't know what I would do."

"I know things will work out either way. You're really brave and strong, Chance. Not to mention incredibly smart," I tell him.

"Thanks," he smiles and once again glances at my lips.

I try to remember to keep breathing but right now I can't seem to concentrate on anything other than him.

"I- I had a really great time," he tells me before facing forward and looking at the rest of the park.

I frown, trying to mask my disappointment. I really thought that he was going to kiss me. Maybe they were right...

"I did too," I respond quietly.

I hear him sigh but he doesn't say anything. We sit there for a little longer in an almost awkward silence. If it weren't for the comforting sounds of nature, it definitely would have been very uncomfortable.

He walks me back home and gives me a hug, "I really like you, Alanna."

I think for a minute, wondering if I should just be the one who kisses him, but I really want him to make the first move. The last thing I want is for him to reject me.

"I like you too, Chance."

He smiles before kissing me softly on the cheek, "I can't wait for our next date. I might already have something planned."

Although he didn't really kiss me, I'm happy that he made some sort of move, "Really? What do you have in mind?"

He just playfully winks, "I'll text you the details. Goodnight, and thanks for inviting me to see the movie with you."

I tell him goodnight before walking inside and leaning up against the door after closing it.

I touch my cheek where he kissed me at and sigh.

"So how was it?"

I jump and look over at Mikey, who was leaning against the wall over by the hallway.

I WISH YOU LOVED ME, mikey jimenez; MKYWhere stories live. Discover now