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mky 🤞: Can you come over?

Lani ❤️: yeahh i'll get michael to drop me off. 

Lani ❤️: be there in 10 😌

mky 🤞: Okay 😣

I frown at Mikey's last text, knowing that something was wrong. I ask Mike to drop me off at Mikey's house and he does.

"Thanks. I'll see you tomorrow," I say to him as I get out of the car.

"Okay see ya Lana."

I quickly make my way inside Mikey's house but I don't see him.

"I'm upstairs!" I hear him yell out.

I chuckle to myself and skip up the stairs, seeing him sprawled out on his bed.

I raise an eyebrow at him, "Yikes this can't be good."

He groans and pats the surface next to him so I jump on his bed, laying on my stomach like he is.

"I'm about to tell you something but don't repeat it, okay?"

I nod slowly, "Okay...."

He sighs, "So today Laura was supposed to find out the baby's gender..."

"Aw Mikey, is it a boy or girl?"

"That's the thing, I don't know. She wants her mom to throw this huge gender reveal party and I have to be there... She plans on inviting the entire class and I don't want to do this in front of everyone..." he frowns and turns on his side to face me.

I rest my head on my arms, looking at him, "Did you try telling her that?"

He gives me a look that says 'what do you think'.

I sigh, "It can't be that bad. And I'll be there by your side."

He bites his lip, "Are you going to bring Chance?"

"It's not really my place to invite him so no... Why?"

"Just wondering," he answers quickly.

His phone starts to ring and he shows me that it's Laura. I motion for him to answer it and close my eyes, relaxing on his comfortable bed.

"Hey. I'm with Alanna... Yeah I told her. What? Uh I don't think she- oh. Okay okay don't cry, I'll ask her..." he pulls the phone away and mutes the call,

"She wants you to help throw the party..."

"What?!" my eyes nearly pop out of my head as I look at him like he's crazy.

"C'mon it could be a good experience?" he states more as a question.

"Mikeyyyyy I know nothing about gender reveal parties..." I make up an excuse because there's no way I could say I didn't want to do it because I don't trust Laura and this baby situation.

"Please, for me? Her hormones are acting up and she almost cried when I was about to say you wouldn't want to..."

I frown, "Fine. When does she want the party to be?"

He looks away and mumbles something under his breath.

"What was that?"

"Um... Saturday," he coughs out.

"This Saturday?!"

He nods and quickly unmutes the call before I could say anything else, "She's in! Okay I'll tell her. Bye."

I glare at him as he hangs the phone up.

"She said thanks and that she'll see you tomorrow."

"Ugh okay... but I am not throwing the baby shower," I shake my head at him before pulling my phone out.

There was a text from Chance.

boyfriend 🤤💜: I miss you

Girlfriend ❤️😘: i miss youuu 😣

boyfriend 🤤💜: We're going on a date tomorrow 😉

Girlfriend ❤️😘: okay. but is it okay if it's a little later in the day? i'm helping Laura & her mom throw a gender reveal party...

boyfriend 🤤💜: Yikes 😂 Yeah I was thinking dinner @ my place. So it can be whenever

Girlfriend ❤️😘: okay 💓 thanks bby. 

"Hey did something happen with Reyna?" Mikey speaks up, looking at his phone.

"What do you mean?"

"Well... she kind of posted a pic on Insta and her caption is kind of a diss-"

I sigh and pull up Instagram, and sure enough people are tagging me in the comments.


"She was being a bitch today, back to her usual self. She basically implied in front of everyone that was in the hallway that Chance was going to cheat on me or whatever. But I'm not worried about it," I shrug it off and he frowns.

"Why would she say that?"

I shake my head, not wanting to talk to him about this, "Just... because."

He waits for me to continue and I groan, "Because we're not... you know. And she's trying to get in my head by telling me that he won't wait around forever."

"Oh..." he says awkwardly.

"See this is why I didn't want to talk to you about this-"

He cuts me off, "Hey no. You should be able to talk to me about this, Lani. It's okay. And if Chance does anything to mess up what y'all have going on then he's an idiot because you're an amazing person... I don't think anyone would be stupid enough to do that..."

I stare at him, letting his words soak in. And when they do... I feel butterflies in my stomach.

I break eye contact with him and sit up, my mind racing. Two months. I went two whole months without feeling like this towards him. What the fuck is wrong with me?

He lets out a deep sigh but doesn't say anything, which makes me wonder...

Did he feel it too?

I WISH YOU LOVED ME, mikey jimenez; MKYWhere stories live. Discover now