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(a/n: hehehhehehehe 😈)


As soon as I'm home from school, I practically have a heart attack. Sitting on my bed when I walk into my room is the one person who had been ignoring me for a few days (if we don't count Reyna who hasn't spoken to me since earlier today.)

"Fuck Mikey," I sigh and clutch my chest, "What are you doing here?"

I needed to change and freshen up before I have to meet Chance at the park. So I really wasn't in the mood for this right now.

He bites his lip, refusing to meet my eye, "Lani... I'm sorry for being so distant. I didn't think I'd need this much time to get my thoughts together."

I frown and slowly make my way over to him. I sit next to him, "What's going on?"

I could tell that he still had a lot on his mind. I just wish he could talk to me, I am his best friend after all.

I try to get him to look at me but he won't, "I-I made a mistake. I really messed up, Alanna," he whispers.

I furrow my eyebrows, not sure what he was talking about. And when I see a tear run down his cheek, I feel my heart ache. Whatever was going on with him was really bringing him down.

"Talk to me," I plead.

He shakes his head and sniffles, wiping away the few tears that managed to escape with the back of his hand.

What am I supposed to do? All of a sudden he shows up, obviously haunted by whatever this is, and he doesn't even feel comfortable talking to me about it.

I glance at my hands and then back at him, "Are you talking about the other night? When you... um, tried to kiss me?"

He chuckles softly, "No... This isn't about that. Although that was a mistake too. I'd never want to do anything that could ruin our friendship and I'm sorry about all of that..."

The one word that stands out to me is mistake. Of course he thought it was a mistake. I look away from him and he sighs.

"I hope you can forgive me for that? I clearly wasn't in the right state of mind and... you know, thanks for stopping it before I got too out of hand," he finally looks up at me with an unreadable expression.

I shrug, "Yeah of course. I forgive you... We all get carried away sometimes."

Why did it hurt to say that?

It's silent for a few minutes before he speaks up again, "I need to tell you something. But I'm so scared- I don't want you to hate me."

Hate him? I could never hate him.

I grab his hand a rub the back of it with my thumb, "You're my best friend. I could never."

He rapidly shakes his head, "You don't understand... I fucking screwed up," he pulls his hand away and rubs both of them over his face.

He holds his head in his hands, resting his elbows on his knees. My heart starts to pound because now I'm scared. What could he possibly have done?

I gently rub my hand on his back, "Mikey... Just tell me."

His body shakes from an overwhelming amount of emotions, and I do my best to comfort him - even though I am completely clueless at the moment.

He finally gives in and turns his body slightly towards me. He takes a deep breath and looks into my eyes, "I... I-I think I got somebody pregnant..."

I almost choke on my own saliva from shock. Did those words seriously just come out of his mouth?

"You what?!" I jump up from the bed.

"Alanna please-" he quickly stands too, looking at me with worried eyes.

"Just give me a minute," I put one hand up and cover my face with the other one.

He starts to pace around the room nervously, which only distracts me. I was honestly really shocked right now and I didn't know how to handle the situation. Yes, it's no secret that Mikey... gets around... but he was always very careful.

But right now I have to be here for him. No matter how much hearing this hurt me. I can't even begin to imagine how he's feeling.

"I... It's going to be okay, Mikey..." I carefully walk over to him and wrap my arms around his waist, finally getting him to stop pacing. He wraps his arms around me even tighter, making it clear that he needed a hug right now.

"I don't know what to do..." he mumbles.

I bite my lip, "How long have you known?"

He sighs, "That Friday night at the game... the one you missed to go on your date with Chance. She- she came up to me before the game and told me."

"Did Olivia say what she wanted to do? How she was feeling?" I ask, assuming that was the 'she' he was referring to.

Boy was I wrong.

He steps away from me, almost as if he was dreading the next point in the conversation.

He fiddles with his fingers nervously, "It's not... Not Olivia."

I narrow my eyes at him in confusion, "Jenna?"

He stares at me before once again telling me no.

Who the hell else could it be? I didn't think he was 'seeing' anyone else at the moment.

And that's when the realization hits me. Why else would he be so worried and scared about my reaction unless...

"No. No. Tell me it's not who I think it is," I beg, I pray. There's no way.

Once again the tears well up and eventually stream down his face, "Lani..." he reaches out for me but I quickly step back.

In that moment, I feel everything around me crashing down. It feels as if my heart was ripped from my chest and honestly, I'm not sure if I've ever felt this bad before.

"Please let me explain- I didn't mean for this to happen. We were drunk and I slipped up, I fucked up. But Alanna, I swear it didn't mean anything," he rambles.

I shake my head in disbelief, remaining silent. There are no words that can express how I feel at this moment.

I couldn't accept the fact that my best friend - the boy I'm in love with - was standing in front of me... telling me that he got the one girl I hated the most pregnant.

Out of all of the girls it possibly could have been... it just had to be Laura.

(a/n: yikes. well that just happened. 

today was my second day back at college and .... ugh i hate it lol. but whatever, i have to get through it. i'm hoping to update as often as i can and luckily i could today sksks. 

anyway... did anyone expect that to happen? )

I WISH YOU LOVED ME, mikey jimenez; MKYWhere stories live. Discover now