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"Okay so I was thinking we could have a huge cake. And one side will have blue icing, the other will be pink. But when you cut into it, the cake will be the color of the gender, blue for a boy and pink for a girl, obviously," Laura rants to me and her mom as we sit at this cafe.

Her mother, Nicole, had a notebook to write down all of Laura's wishes... and I just sat there pretending I knew everything she was talking about.

"So you don't know the gender?" I clarify and she nods, "I didn't want to know and Mikey not know... that wouldn't be fair."

I hum to myself... Maybe this baby really is changing her.

They go on and on for another two hours about things that needed to be done. When they finished, Nicole tore a piece of notebook paper out and handed it to me.

"This is our address, where the party will be held. I will get everything and you can come by Friday and help me set things up," she smiles at me.

I nod, "Sounds like a plan. I have to go now but I will see y'all on Friday..."

They tell me goodbye and Laura catches me off guard by wrapping her arms around me.

"Thank you, Alanna... I-I know this probably wasn't the easiest thing for you and it means a lot-" her voice cracks and I see her eyes water, "It means a lot to me."

I smile softly, "Oh um... it's no big deal.

She wipes under her eyes and sighs, "Thanks again. I'll see you at school tomorrow."

I nod and quickly leave the cafe... that was something else...


Soon, I find myself at Chance's apartment and knock softly.

It takes a while for him to open it and he smiles when he sees me, "Hey babe. Come in."

"Did you forget I was coming over?" I laugh at his appearance.

He laughs with me, "No I was just cleaning up. Actually-"

"LANA!" I hear a voice giggle from behind me.

"Brooklyn!" I gasp and pick her up when she runs over to me.

She smiles, "Daddy told me to say surprise."

I smile and glance at Chance who looks at me sheepishly, "Surprise. Emma had something come up soooooo..."

"That's perfectly fine. I missed you Brooklyn," I tell the little girl in my arms.

She starts to play with my curly hair, "I miss you! Can we watch Moana?"

When we first met, she told me she liked my name because 'Moana' and 'Alanna' are similar.

"Of course we can," I tell her before setting her down.

She runs to the couch and jumps on it, waiting for me.

"I really hope you don't mind... I was going to text you but-"

"Chance, stop. It's okay," I give him a quick kiss, "I love Brooklyn, you know I don't mind."

He has this look on his face and I can't exactly tell what it is but he opens his mouth to say something, "I- I um... I made us dinner. I'm not the best cook but I figured it was time to show you my skills."

I knew that wasn't what he wanted to say but I'm not going to question it, "I knew I smelled something cooking. It actually smells really good."

He grins and goes into the kitchen while I put on Moana for us and sit next to Brooklyn.

The three of us eat and then watch the movie until Brooklyn falls asleep in my lap. It wasn't even 10 yet so I was surprised she passed out so early.

Chance carefully picks her up, "She ran around for almost 2 hours earlier so it was only a matter of time."

He takes her to her bedroom and puts her to bed.

mky 🤞: How did today go ?

Lani ❤️: surprisingly well... it was a little awkward but they were nice. her mom is really sweet.

mky 🤞: Thanks for doing this. She told me it means a lot to her and I like seeing you two get along. 😊

Lani ❤️: yeah it's strange but me too. it's definitely better than having two Reyna's after me 😂😂😂

mky 🤞: Haha! Seriously tho, it means a lot to me too. I'm scared to death about this whole thing and you being here for me helps a lot.

Lani ❤️: that's what best friends are for mikey 💓

mky 🤞: ❤️💫 I love you Lani.

Lani ❤️: i love you 😌

"Okay she's down for the night..." Chance enters back in the room and lays down on the sofa with his head in my lap.

I put my phone down and start to play with his soft hair.

"It's getting long. I might have to cut it soon," he says teasingly.

I narrow my eyes at him, "No sir. You know I love your long hair," I gently pull at it to make my point and he bites his lip.

"Mmm okay. I won't cut it. Maybe just a trim, at least..."

"I guess a trim would be okay," I say playfully and he chuckles.

"I'm sorry tonight wasn't exactly the date I had planned..." he says randomly.

"You don't have to keep apologizing. I had a great time," I say honestly.

"Really?" he asks unsure.

"Yeah Brooklyn is adorable and it means a lot that she actually likes me..."

He smiles, "I wasn't even worried about that. I knew she'd like you."

"Really? I was terrified! I kept praying that your whole family would like me," I giggle.

"That's what I love about you," he says and my heart stops.

He continues, "You're so beautiful, inside and out, and you don't even see it. It's impossible not to like you and those who pretend to are just envious of you... I'm so lucky to have you."

I blush and lean down to kiss him softly. He sits up so that he can kiss me back, soon deepening the kiss. When he pulls away, he's staring at me with such adoration, my heart skips a few beats.

"God I love you, Alanna..."

And even though I knew this was coming, I still didn't know what to say or how to react.

I WISH YOU LOVED ME, mikey jimenez; MKYWhere stories live. Discover now