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"Wait... so you kissed Emma?" I ask, restating what Chance just told me.

He sighs, "She kissed me. She regretted it as soon as it happened and she pressed me to tell you... but I didn't want you to misunderstand what happened so I didn't. She kissed me, I never kissed her back. I wouldn't have done that to you."

I sigh, "Well for the record, I wouldn't have been upset. I kind of have no right."

He laughs a little, "Yeah... I just thought you should know since we're letting everything out."

"I'm glad we had this talk. Thank you for talking to me."

"I can't stay mad forever. I think it'll take a while before I can actually forgive you... but know that I'll never hate you. No matter what. And you deserve happiness just as much as I do," he says.

I smile gratefully, "That means a lot."

"With that being said... I don't think we'll see each other for a while. I need time to cope with this and I don't think we should see each other until I'm in a better place."

"That's... understandable. I wish you the best then, and again I'm so sorry about everything. I hope you know that my feelings were never fake, okay?" I wanted to make sure he knew that.

He smiles back at me, "I needed to hear that so thanks. I, uh... I guess I'll see you around."

I hesitate because I want to give him a hug but I didn't know if I'd be crossing boundaries. He must notice this because he laughs and pulls me in for a small hug.

I take this moment in because I know it'll be the last one for a long time. I was going to miss him.


"Hey, it took you long enough. I'm starving," Mikey exclaims as I place the box of pizza on the counter.

I sigh, "Yeah... I kind of ran into someone."

He stops mid-grab for a slice and stares at me curiously, "Who?"


His jaw drops, "Oh damn... How did that go?"

"It almost didn't. He really didn't want to see me, and I debated leaving him be just like you suggested but... in a way, I'm glad I didn't," I take out a paper plate and throw a slice on it.

He raises an eyebrow, "So it went good?"

I laugh, "Of course not. But it was going to be bad no matter when I talked to him. However, our conversation was very... eye-opening."

He takes a bite of pizza, "Okay so, what happened?"

"We talked about a lot... there were tears, but not too bad. It's going to take a while for him to forgive me but he doesn't hate me so that's a start. We're probably not going to see each other for a while, but I think that's something we need," I tell him.

He nods, "Well I'm happy it went okay then."

"Me too," I say quietly, as the thoughts of the conversation with Chance come back in mind.

I knew what I wanted and now I was willing to accept that. But I was not in a place to act on my feelings... So much has happened lately and I need time to process everything before I rush into something else.

So for now, I'll let things die down...


"Have you seen your mom since what happened?" Mikey asks as we play some video game on his PlayStation.

"Nope and I don't want to face her. What she did was cruel... and I never thought she'd do that to me."

He frowns and gives me a sympathetic look, "I've never seen her like that. Maybe she's going through a midlife crisis."

I roll my eyes playfully, "I don't care what she's going through, I know I'd never treat my child like that."

He lets out a cute laugh and I give him a weird look, "What?"

"Nothing. I just pictured a mini Lani running around."

I blush and push him, "Not happening anytime soon."

He laughs, "I know but I'm saying, you'd be a good mom."

"Thanks, Mikey."

This boy was something else.

(a/n: another time skip coming so prepare for that. things are going to die down... maybe sksksk)

I WISH YOU LOVED ME, mikey jimenez; MKYWhere stories live. Discover now