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The next few days kind of went by in a blur. I spent a lot of time texting Chance and getting to know him some more. I was beginning to really, really like him and I was afraid of what that meant.

I wasn't one to actually believe in having feelings for more than one person...

So I instantly started feeling guilty for flirting with Chance and falling for him, when I had already fallen hard for someone else. That someone of course being my best friend, Mikey.

I decided to push away my feelings of guilt and actually be happy for once. Chance made me happy, and I feel like I deserve to be happy for a change.

He asked me on another date but he had to cancel because something came up with Brooklyn, which I immediately understood. After our first date, he finally started talking about her more, and I found it so adorable. I could tell how much he loved her and he seemed like an amazing dad (which gives extra bonus points to Chance, cause all girls love a guy who is good with kids, especially their own.)

But anyway, I'm currently at the coffee shop where I went on my date with Chance, except this time I'm with Mikey, Michael, and Reyna.

"So, tell us again how your date went," Reyna gushes, leaning in with interest.

"I already told you ten times, it was great. I really like him," I smile with a small blush appearing on my cheeks.

I notice Michael share a look with Mikey but they quickly look away from each other. One thing that people should know about me is that I pick up on a lot. But I usually keep things to myself.

"That's all I get?" she whines.

Michael laughs, "Rey, she's literally told us everything about the date. Right?" he ends, directing it to me for confirmation.

"Right," I nod.

"So he really didn't kiss you?" she sighs.

She's been pressed ever since I told her the date ended without a kiss. It's not a big deal to me, I actually prefer not kissing on the first date. But she thought otherwise.

"What's wrong with that?" Mikey speaks up.

"I just think that he should have kissed her, that's all," she shrugs before taking a sip from her pink drink.

Michael laughs, "There's nothing wrong with not kissing a girl on the first date."

"Still." It seems that Rey just doesn't want to let it go.

Mikey speaks up, "To be honest, I see her point. Usually if a guy really likes you, he's gonna go in for the kiss."

I frown and look down at the table. That kind of stung. Is he trying to say Chance doesn't really like me?

"Exactly! Thank you," Reyna says before noticing my change in mood, "Not that he doesn't like you..."

Michael rolls his eyes, "You two are stupid, let's go Lana," he grabs his drink and stands up waiting for me.

I do the same and throw my drink away before leaving the coffee shop with Michael.


"I don't know what their problem is. Obviously Chance likes you," he says after a long walk in silence.

"What if they're right? What if he doesn't like me, Mike?" I start to doubt everything that was said on our date. I know he called me beautiful and I know he said he really liked me, but what if he was lying? And what if he cancelled our second date because he just didn't want to see me again?

"I've heard you talk about the date a hundred times, and trust me, it's clear he likes you. Just give it time, there's no need to rush into things."

I listen to Michael's advice; that's probably why Chance didn't kiss me. He doesn't want to rush into things and that's perfectly fine with me.

"You're right, thanks for being on my side," I smile gratefully at him.

"No problem. Don't worry, the other two will come around. I think they're just not used to seeing you so happy with someone who isn't just a friend," he says causing me to laugh.

"Don't let them hear you say that," I say as I playfully bump my shoulder into his while we walk.

"Why don't you reschedule that second date? I'm sure he'd like that," Michael suggests.

I think about it for a second and it seems like a good idea, I'm just not sure.

"You think?"

"Yeah, it shows him that you want to see him again and guys like that."

I smile before sending Chance a text,

Alanna 🌸: hey, i was wondering if you'd like to go see a movie with me? i've been wanting to see The Greatest Showman 

As I wait for him to text back, Michael and I order an ice cream from one of the carts set out in the park.

"Thanks for being such a good friend. I can always count on you when others kind of let me down," I thank Michael.

"Ditto. I feel the same way," he says.

Chance 😘: I'd love to xx how about tonight?

I WISH YOU LOVED ME, mikey jimenez; MKYWhere stories live. Discover now