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Mikey and I are laying on my bed right now, watching my favorite movie: Peter Pan. It might seem childish, but I really love the whole concept of it.

I'm definitely watching it, but Mikey seems to be preoccupied with something else right now. He's been on his phone, texting someone for the past hour. I'm trying my best to ignore it but it's kind of bothering me.

"Mikeyyyy, you're not even watching the movie."

"We've seen this a million times, Lani. Besides, I'm doing something much more fun at the moment," he gives a small smirk causing me to pull a disgusted face.

"Ew, please tell me you're not seriously sexing somebody right now?"

"Oh, c'mon. Don't be a prude," he laughs.

But I don't find it funny. It actually kind of hurts that he would say that. Mikey knows everything about me, well mostly everything about me, which means he knows how inexperienced I am when it comes to... certain things.

"Gee, thanks," I respond sarcastically.

"I didn't mean it like that. It's just, there's nothing wrong with sexting. You should try it some time."

I sigh, choosing not to respond, and turn my attention back to the movie. Maybe he was right... I'm a senior in high school and I've barely scratched the surface when it comes to that kind of stuff. This is why I need to find a boyfriend as soon as possible.

But I refuse to do anything with someone I'm not completely into, unlike Mikey. When Mikey told me he lost his virginity to some girl he barely even liked, well I knew I didn't want that.

It's important to me that I'm with someone who makes me feel comfortable and... wanted.

But I've spent so much time pining after my best friend, that I haven't realized how much I'm really missing out on.

My phone dings with a text from an unknown number, causing Mikey to look at me.

xxx-xxx-xxxx: Hey, this is Chance

xxx-xxx-xxxx: The guy from starbucks 🙂

Alanna: hi, chance 👋

Chance: How do you spell your name so i can add you to my contacts

Alanna: Alanna

Chance: That's a beautiful name, btw

Alanna: thank you ☺️ i like your name as well, it's different

"And who are you texting that has you smiling so hard?"

"Oh um... Just this guy that I met at the mall today," I tell him.

His face seems to drop but he quickly recovers, "That's good for you. It's about time you put yourself out there."

I smile, "Yeah, I thought so too. I gave him my number, but I wasn't sure if he'd text me."

"Well it's good that he did... What's his name?"

"Chance," I smile.

He frowns, "Chance Perez?"

"I don't know his last name," I shrug.

"It can't be the same guy. The Chance I'm talking about has a kid."

"Oh um... well yeah. This Chance has a daughter, Brooklyn, I think."

"You want to be with a guy who has a kid? Lani, that always means baby momma drama," Mikey says.

"Don't. Don't do that."

"Don't do what?" he asks confused.

"Every time I tell you about a guy, you always find something wrong with them. I don't mind that he has a child, and besides we just met. It's not even serious..."

"I'm just looking out for my best friend. I'm sorry," he apologizes.

Chance: Thanks 😌 So I was wondering if you would like to get a coffee sometime?

Alanna: very forward of you, but yes. i would 😋

Chance: I kind of knew you'd say yes 😜 so no reason to wait to ask

Alanna: hmm what made you assume i would say yes? 🤔

Chance: I was just hoping you would. Tomorrow around 5 sound good? @ Cafe Heaven?

Alanna: i'll see you then 😉

"Your cheeks have got to be hurting by now..."

I laugh, "Just a little. I'm meeting him for coffee tomorrow."

"What time tomorrow? You're still coming to my game, right?"

"Oh shit, I forgot. I'm sorry, Mikey... Um... I've been to every one of your basketball games..."

"Wait, so you're just not going to come? What about our pizza Friday's?" he asks me, kind of looking hurt.

"We can still do pizza Friday after the game. I'm meeting him at 5, and the game doesn't start till 7. So I'll probably be there..." I tell him.

"Ditching me for some dude you just met. Real nice," he says sarcastically.

"Wow. Whatever, Mikey."

I roll my eyes and lay down, turning my back to him. If he wanted to act like this then I would too. I always do everything for him, and this time, for once, I'm going to do something for myself.

I WISH YOU LOVED ME, mikey jimenez; MKYWhere stories live. Discover now