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"Say cheese," I hear Chance say from behind me so I turn around to face him.

I notice the camera in his hands and immediately cover my face, "Chance nooo. I look ugly."

He laughs and continues to take pictures causing me to pout at him. When he's finished he shows me one of them,

"You see this girl? That's my beautiful girlfriend."

He sets the camera down before pulling me into him, "You're always beautiful."

"Even when I just rolled out of bed?"

"Especially then," he jokes and I playfully slap his arm.

I smile, "Well as much as I want to stay here with you, I have school to get ready for..."

I grab the bag that I packed once Chance asked me to stay the night with him at his apartment. We've done this a few times.

I was really nervous and hesitant about coming to his place the first time... I wasn't sure what he wanted and my nerves were trying to get the best of me. But Chance quickly saw that and assured me that we would just be hanging out, and that he respected me too much to pressure me into doing anything.

So to answer the unasked question, no we haven't gone all the way. He understands that I haven't done anything like that before and we're taking it at my own pace.

However... have you seen Chance? It's hard not to want to do anything when around him. So I can confirm that we have done stuff, I'm just still a virgin. For now.

Anyway, I quickly get ready for school and he kisses my forehead, "Is Mikey coming to pick you up?"

I sigh, "I don't think so. Laura had an appointment today and he went to wait for her. I was thinking you could take me, maybe..." I lean in closer and bite my lip teasingly.

He chuckles, "Don't do that. C'mon I'll take you."


"Okay bye babe. Thanks for the ride," I lean over the console and kiss him before exiting the car.

Izzy and Michael pop up next to me, "Hey Chance!" Izzy peeks her head through the open car window and waves at him.

"Izzy, Mike," he nods with a smile before looking at me, "I have Brooklyn today and she has some recital thing, so I won't be able to pick you up..."

"I got her," Michael tells him

"Okay cool. I'll see you later my love," he flashes me a signature smile before pulling out the parking lot.

"You two have the cutest relationship! What the hell," Izzy gushes, causing Michael to frown.

"Hey what about us?"

Izzy just shrugs her shoulders with a giggle before linking her arm with mine as we walk inside the building.

We walk to our lockers, and unfortunately, right next to mine is where Reyna and Miles decide to have an extreme make out session.


When they pull apart, Miles acknowledges my existence, "Lana! What's up?"

Reyna rolls her eyes but puts on a fake smile, "Yeah how's the boyfriend?"

"He's great."

Reyna smirks, "I'm surprised to hear that considering the poor guy is probably going through withdrawal right now."

"Woah Rey, chill," Miles shakes his head.

"Excuse me?"

She laughs obnoxiously, "Well clearly the guy is used to being very active, you know with him having a child and everything. And I know for a fact he's not getting anything from you, makes a girl wonder-"

"You know what, we're not going to start this up again," I throw my hands up before walking away.

"It's only a matter of time before he starts looking somewhere else!" she yells after me, gaining a few stares.

"Reyna what is wrong with you?" I hear Miles snap at her.

I meet back up with Michael and Izzy. Izzy rubs my back, "Hey don't listen to her. You know Chance wouldn't do that..."

"I know but maybe she has a point... Do you think I'm making him wait too long?"

Michael looks really uncomfortable about this topic but Izzy shakes her head, "No! He said to take things at your own pace, so don't let anyone get in your head."

I nod, knowing she's right but sometimes I just want to get it over and out of the way. But I've waited this long so I might as well make it special...

I just want to be in love with the person I give it up to. And I know Chance loves me so why am I making things so difficult?

(a/n: okay so i know this is a mikey story, but just be patient with me 😉 i have a lot in store hehe. 😩💜)

I WISH YOU LOVED ME, mikey jimenez; MKYWhere stories live. Discover now