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"It's true," I whisper, "I love you."


I thought that after I told Mikey the truth, everything would fall into place. Either he would tell me he feels the same or he would tell me that he didn't. And of course that would have been awkward, but it would have been ten times better than what actually went down.

He stared at me with a blank face for a few minutes before sprinting out of the girls bathroom.

So here I am, left staring at the door that he went through in confusion. I try not to overthink his actions but what else am I supposed to do?

I guess he just didn't want to hurt me... and instead of letting me down easily, he ran from his problems.

The door opens and Laura walks through. I turn my head, praying that she doesn't notice me but she does.

"I just saw Mikey. He looked..." she trails off, obviously talking to me.

I sigh, "What do you want, Laura?"

She frowns, "I just... wanted to see if you were okay. After the whole Reyna thing."

I narrow my eyes at her. What game is she playing at? I figured she would be jumping up and down with joy after what Reyna did. It is something she herself would do.

"I'm fine," I shrug. I wasn't about to tell her how I was really feeling.

"I tried to talk her out of it. But there was no stopping her and I'm sorry. About everything," Larua apologizes.

She seems sincere but I know better than to trust her. However, accepting her apology could be good. After all if she is going to be in Mikey's life from now on... we all need to get along.

"Oh um... thanks?"

She smiles softly, "I realized that I was in the wrong and I hope we can get along. For the baby," she rests a hand on her stomach and my eyes follow her movement.

"Yeah... me too," I choke out. This was so awkward and I just want to go home.

"I'll see you around Alanna," she says before leaving the restroom.

After the initial shock over what just happened dies down, I decide to go find Michael. It's been enough of me crying about my problems; I need to make sure that he's okay.

I search almost every place in this section of the school before making my way outside and to the music building. Of course he'd be here.

"Michael," I cautiously walk over to where he is sitting on the piano bench.

He jumps a little before sighing, "I don't want to talk."

I bite my lip, not sure what to do. We need to talk about this because even though he ran off after Reyna said what she did, I wasn't sure if it was true.

But I didn't want to push him, so I opt for sitting next to him on the bench. We sit in silence until I begin to play a soft melody on the keys.

He looks up at me with a small smile before joining me. We mess around and "play" a few songs, ending with us dying of laughter.

He slowly calms down, "Are you okay?"

I chuckle, "I should be asking you that."

He shrugs, "I mean... it's true if that tells you anything."

My heart skips a few beats as I try to think about what to say next, "Oh... Why didn't you ever tell me?"

He laughs, "C'mon Lana. You know how that is. It's not like I didn't want to tell you, I just couldn't."

I nod in understanding, because like Rey had said - we were both in the same boat. It's kind of strange how we both were kind of forced into telling our feelings today.

"I wish you would have," I say quietly.


I remove my hand from the piano keys and place it in my lap, "Because maybe things would have been different."

He furrows his eyebrows, "Or maybe our friendship would have been ruined. We can't think about the 'what ifs'. As much as I think about it every single day... your heart isn't with me Alanna."

And he's right - hell he's always right. But I want to say that it could have been if he had told me. This whole time he was right in front of my eyes, and I can't help but wonder if maybe my love for Mikey blinded that. And maybe that's why I had no idea he felt this way.

"I'll be okay. As long as we're okay?" Michael questions.

"We'll always be okay," I sigh and lay my head on his shoulder.

(a/n; ☺️ hi. the ending was kind of cute. mostly a filler chapter but not really. lots of important details hehe.

mikey ran out? yikes 👀

what is laura up to? 🌚

thoughts on michael & his feelings? lol

thanks to everyone who reads, comments, votes 💜 it means a lot to me! i love reading comments so don't be shy hehe. this story is #8 in mikeyjimenez, #2 in michaelbmoc & #28 in michaelconor, #13 in boybandabc, #34 in chanceperez, etc etc.😫🙌 not that there are many others fanfics to compete with out there sksksk. but still)

I WISH YOU LOVED ME, mikey jimenez; MKYWhere stories live. Discover now