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I haven't talked since what went down... Mikey took me to my house and decided it was probably best if he stayed with me. Which I'm thankful for but at the same time I just want to be alone.

So we're both sitting on my bed, watching some show. At least Mikey's watching it... I'm lost in my own world it seems.

He keeps staring at me and it's making me nervous. I don't want to talk about what happened.

But of course, he makes me anyway.

"Alanna. You have to talk about it..."

I shake my head stubbornly but he wasn't having it. He raises his eyebrows at me before tickling me. I fight to hold in my laughs but can't help but let them slip.

He finally stops once I let out a sigh and turn to face him.

"None of this feels real," I say softly.

He nods, "Yeah it doesn't. But it happened and you shouldn't hold it all in."

My eyes start to water again, "Mikey... what am I going to do?"

"Well... first you have to give Chance some time. He's not in the right state of mind and if you try to talk to him, it'll just make things worse," he explains.

I knew he was right but I don't know if I can go on without apologizing. I should have said something back at the party but I didn't know what to say. Everything just happened so fast...

"And you should talk to Michael."

I shake my head, "I don't think so."

He frowns, "I know you don't want to but Alanna... the dude is in love with you. I know what that feels like so you really need to talk it out. And he's your closest friend after me."

My heart skips a beat at his words, "Wait what?"

He must realize what he said because his eyes widen in shock, "I- uh... yeah."

He awkwardly rubs the back of his neck and I try to control my emotions.

Mikey just admitted that he's in love with me. The one thing I've wanted to hear for the past six years... and he chooses now to say it.

I let out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding and ignore what he said, "Okay... um... I guess I'll talk to him. I don't really have a choice, anyway."

He looks at me confused, "What do you mean?"

"Nothing," I mumble, not wanting to say it out loud.

"No tell me. What do you mean, you don't have a choice?"

I nervously pick at my fingernails as he pushes me to tell him.

"Okay chill. Um after you all left the room... I was looking for the, you know...-" I trail off in embarrassment.



"Fuck Alanna. You found one right?... Lani?" he asks urgently after I don't answer his question immediately.

I answer with a shake of my head and he groans before getting up.

"Are you two really that dumb?"

I scoff, "Apparently so. Geez, thanks Mikey."

"I didn't mean it like that... You'd think the kid would at least use protection, drunk or not."

I sigh, "You really aren't one to talk, no offense."

He narrows his eyes at me, "Okay I deserved that. C'mon," he motions for me to follow him.

"And where are we going?"

He rolls his eyes as he picks his keys up, "To the store to get you the pill."

I stare after him and he turns around once he sees that I'm not following him, "Alanna let's go. Unless you actually want to get knocked up," he shrugs sarcastically.

I get up and walk over to him, "Of course not, but I'm nervous. I don't want anyone to see us at the store..."

"Just bring a hoodie to cover up. I'll go in with you so you won't be alone."

We make our way to his car. This has been a long night.


After searching for a store that was open at six in the morning, we finally found one a little outside of town.

"Let's get this over with."

I pull my hood up, and it was actually a little chilly outside so that works. I follow Mikey into the store and the person behind the counter looks up at us suspiciously.

"Good morning. A little early to be out, isn't it?" he asks, clearly half asleep.

"We just need to grab something real quick," Mikey answers before heading down some isle.

I drag myself behind him in exhaustion. Ugh, my legs hurt and my body felt tired.

After a few turns, he stops and looks around the shelf.

"I actually don't know which brand is the best... google it," he tells me.

I pull out my phone, ignoring the hundreds of notifications asking if I was okay. After browsing, I answer, "It says PlanB One Step."

He looks around and grabs a box and reads it as I look down at the price.

I frown, "Mikey I don't have $50 on me."

He either doesn't hear me or simply ignores me because he walks away, back to the front of the store.

I try my best to catch up and make it there as he hands it to the cashier.

The guy smirks and laughs, "Looks like someone had a fun night."

Mikey hums as I roll my eyes and mumble, "If only you knew."

"You know we sell plenty of protection too. You probably saw it right next to this on the shelf," he tells us as he rings it up.

"We're good bro."

"Suit yourself... That'll be $53.25."

Mikey pulls out his card and pays for it, and I would have protested but I wanted to get the hell out of here.

We quickly exit the store and I thank him, "Thanks Mikey. You didn't have to do that..."

He smiles softly, "I know how it feels to think your life might possibly be over so... yeah I did. You're my best friend and I don't want you hating yourself over a mistake. We all mess up sometimes."

I hug him before pulling away and heading to his car. Before we can make it there, I hear a voice from behind me,

"Alanna? Mikey?"

Oh shit.

I WISH YOU LOVED ME, mikey jimenez; MKYWhere stories live. Discover now