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I wake up with Mikey's arm wrapped around me. Rolling my eyes, I remove it and sit up, throwing my legs over the side of my bed.

I was still pissed at him about last night, and the last thing I want is him cuddling up to me like everything's okay.

Deciding to get ready for the day, I stand up and stretch, hearing some bones pop. My shirt rises midway on my stomach, and when I go to pull it down I hear a groan coming from the bed.

"Mmm what time is is?"

I turn around to see Mikey staring up at me.

"6. Get up or we'll be late," I walk to my closet and quickly pick out an outfit.

"Damn, why the cold shoulder?" he asks as he gets up out of the bed.

Ignoring him, I enter my bathroom and get ready. He sighs and follows me.

"Lani, answer me."

"Just get ready for school, Mike."

"Not until you answer me. Are you really still pissed at me?"

I sigh, "What you said was fucked up, Mikey. You act like I can't hang out with other people. But don't worry, I'll be at your game."

"I was a jerk, and I'm sorry. I was caught off guard..."

"Why? Because I never go on dates? How pathetic does that make me?"

"No, that's not why... I just... why Chance? He's got a lot of baggage and you deserve better than that," he tells me.

That really ticks me off, because who is he to tell me what I deserve? What I truly deserve is someone who can want me back. I've spent years waiting in the shadows, hoping that my best friend would realize how much I loved him...

But I refuse to do that for much longer. I have to move on. I promised myself.

"If you're referring to his daughter as baggage, well that's incredibly stupid. It's just coffee, Mikey. I doubt I'll ever see him again after today."

"Mmm whatever you say, babe. Let's just go."

Involuntarily, my heart skips a beat when he calls me babe. Out of all the years that I've known Mikey, he's never called me that... and gosh, I hate how it makes me feel all giddy inside.

Another thing that I failed to realize was that he had already changed and gotten ready during our conversation.

I grab my bag, purse, and phone, before following him out the door. The last thing that I think about as I make my way to the car is that maybe I should have spent more time on my outfit, considering I was meeting up with an incredibly handsome guy after school.

Too late now.


"So I was thinking we could ride to the game together? I told Cam that I would come to this one," Michael says as we walk to our next class.

Michael usually avoids going to the games, since he was kicked off the team for not having good enough grades.

"Oh, um... I'm not sure if I'm going. I have plans after school, but I'll text you if I make it home in time..." I tell him, leaving out the part about seeing Chance.

Unfortunately, he doesn't let it slide, so he abruptly stops and turns in front of me, causing me to slam into his chest.

"Ugh, why did you do that?" I play dumb.

"Plans? Alanna Winters has plans that don't involve me?" he teases, although high-key questioning who my plans were with.

"Haha, very funny."

"Seriously, though. You going somewhere with Mikey?" he asks.

"Uh, no... He's kind of on the team, so he'll be here, duh. Plus we sort of got into an argument last night. I'm not exactly sure if we made up..." I say, which is true, because he kind of brushed the subject off this morning and called me 'babe'.

"So if it's not Mikey, or me, or Reyna. Who exactly are you meeting up with?"

"I never said I had plans with someone else. I could just want some quality time to myself," I try, as I move past him and walk to my class again.

"No, I don't think so. You had this huge smile on your face when you said 'plans'. So spill," he catches up to me and walks by my side.

"Okay, I see that you won't leave me alone until I tell you so, I'm going for coffee with Chance. There, are you happy?"

I rush into the classroom, arriving just in time to avoid Michael's response. At least I thought I got away.

Except he pokes his head into the room and loudly says, "HELL YEAH! I knew you had it in you! Is it a date?"

I blush profusely as everyone that was already in their seats look back and forth between me and him. And it's just my luck that Laura, a girl who pretty much hates my guts, is one of them. She sends me a smirk, letting out a small snort before whispering to her group friends.

I send Michael a glance and he mouths 'Oops, sorry' before dashing off to where his class was.

As soon as he's out of sight, Laura takes that as her opportunity to mess with me, "Aw, is innocent Alanna finally growing up? You know, with this being your first date and all," she laughs, and some of the others join in with her.

I roll my eyes, "Not that it's any of your business, but I've been on a date before."

"Yeah, sorry sweetie, but tagging along to places with Mikey isn't exactly a date."

I go to speak but someone from the back of the classroom beats me to it, "Hey, Laura, I hate to break it to you but spending every night in a different bed isn't exactly a date either. So please shut the fuck up."

I notice the guy as Miles, a friend of Mikey and Michael. He also dated Reyna once upon a time. I send him a small smile, silently thanking him for standing up for me.

Laura has always hated me because of my friendship with Mikey. They used to date a long time ago, and she blames me as the reason for their break up. Truth is, Mikey never told me why they broke up.

The teacher walks in at that moment, so everyone falls silent. I put my head down on my desk, feeling a headache coming on. I just want to get this school day over with so that I can see Chance...

I WISH YOU LOVED ME, mikey jimenez; MKYWhere stories live. Discover now