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"Alanna? Mikey?"

Oh shit.


"M-mom? What are you doing here?" I stutter as I turn to face the woman who stared us down.

"I could ask you two the same thing... I needed to pick up some coffee and filters for my office at the hospital."

Of course. She basically lives at the hospital, so I should have known. This is my first time seeing her in over a week actually.

I see her eyes roam to the bag in my hand, trying to burn a hole through it so she could see what's inside.

"What's in the bag?"

My hands start to shake as I think of a lie but Mikey speaks up, "Allergy medicine. I'm feeling kind of ehh."

For a second, I start to think she believes him but all of a sudden she snatches the bag from my hand and opens it.

She gasps and looks up at me, "Alanna Delane Winters."

I feel my cheeks heat up and try to snatch it back but she moves, "Is this a joke? You know, I always thought you two had something going on. I never thought you'd be stupid enough to end up in a situation like this though."

I start to get angry. She's never home and now she wants to act like she cares? Like she has the right to feel disappointed?

"Well mom, I hate to break it to you but I'm not here because of Mikey. Now can you please give that back-"

"So you're telling me that you open your legs for just about anyone? That's even worse. I raised you better than that," she spits.

I laugh bitterly, "Yeah okay. Whatever you say, mother."

Mikey sighs, "Ms. Winters, it's been a long day... and Alanna isn't like that. You'd know that if you actually bothered to come home at least once a week. We should really get going."

My mom purses her lips together, "I work hard to earn money. I'm the reason she even gets to live in a nice fancy house with everything she could ever want. So Michael, if you don't mind, I'd like to have a word with my daughter."

Mikey doesn't move so my mom continues, "Very well then. Alanna, maybe you should take responsibility for your mistakes. If you want to go out and be a whore, that comes with consequences. So I think I'll be taking this with me."

She stuffs the bag into her large purse, causing my mouth to drop.

"Are you kidding me?! Mom, give it back, you're being ridiculous."

She shrugs, "You should have thought about that."

"It's okay, Lani... I'll buy another one-"

I cut Mikey off, "No. Mom please, okay I'm sorry... please."

"You know I was your age when I made the mistake of getting pregnant. But I turned out okay, so maybe you'd be better off not taking this."

Mistake. That's all I was to her, a mistake.

"Okay Joanna, enough is enough. This isn't funny and this isn't you. I paid for that so technically, that's my property. Unless you want me to file a suit against you for stealing-"

She rolls her eyes and takes it out of her purse, throwing it at my feet.

"Fine, fine. You're lucky your boyfriend was here to save you, Alanna. I'm ashamed to have you as my daughter and soon enough, he'll be ashamed of you too."


After taking the pill, things start to settle back down. Mikey knew I wasn't okay after the encounter with my mother, so he's been insisting that we cuddle until I feel better.

We also went through a tub of cookies and cream ice cream.

"You know that's not true... what she said."

I sigh, "I wouldn't blame you if it was. I'm ashamed of myself."

He pulls me closer, "I could never be ashamed of you."

That made me feel a little better after everything that happened. At least there were one or two people who didn't absolutely hate me at the moment.

After a few minutes, the doorbell rings. I wasn't expecting anyone so...

"You want me to get it or...?"

I shake my head and get up, "I got it."

When I make it to the door, I look through the peephole to see who it was.


I hesitantly open the door and motion for him to enter the house. He does so and we awkwardly stand next to each other for a bit.

I clear my throat, "Uh... it's been a rough few hours, huh?"

I try to joke around but clearly he wasn't in a joking mood.

Instead he sighs, "How are you?"

"I'm... doing as well as expected, I guess. You?"

He looks down, "Not too good. I feel like shit, and I'm worried that I've lost everyone now."

I sit down and pat the space next to me, which he takes. "You'll never lose me, Mike. It's gonna take a while to get back to how we were... cause every time I look at you, I'm reminded of what I did. What we did."

He nods, "I understand..."

"But that doesn't mean you'll lose me. I promise you can always count on me."

He smiles happily before it disappears, "Alanna, I know this is probably really embarrassing, trust me I don't want to ask but... I don't think we used-"

I hold my hand up to stop him, "I took care of it."

He nods slowly, "Okay. Good."

I look at him, "Are you really okay after what happened? Because I know you have feelings for me and I don't want that to affect you. I don't want you to be hurt-"

"- I'm okay. Promise. Like you said, it'll just take a while to get back to normal. But I'm good. Better than I thought I'd be," he explains.

That makes me feel better considering I was worried about how he felt with the whole... being in love with me and taking my virginity thing... yeahhh.

"I just wanted to stop by and check on you. I'm glad we talked though," he stands up and pauses before pulling me in for a hug.

I hug back tightly, knowing that I'll always have him and Mikey in my corner.

(a/n: yeah idk lol.)

I WISH YOU LOVED ME, mikey jimenez; MKYWhere stories live. Discover now