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~ Thursday ~


As soon as Thursday comes around, I figured that Mikey would walk up to me at school and explain everything.

But nope.

He literally looked me dead in my eye, put his head down, and walked off in the other direction. I have no idea what's going on with him but fine, if he wants to act like that then it's whatever.

I know he said that he needed time but... honestly I didn't believe that he would actually ignore me for this long.

And I didn't think that it would hurt this bad. We've never spent more than 2 days apart and this is killing me. Not because I'm in love with him, but because he's my best friend.

"Lana, seriously. You have to stop thinking about it. He'll come around when he's ready..." Michael says as he throws his arm over my shoulder.

We walk to my next class with Reyna by our side.

"Mike is right. Besides you have Chance now... don't you?" she asks, being her nosy self as usual.

I didn't tell either of them about my date with Chance and what went down. I still didn't know how to process everything, and I was a little upset that Michael kept it all from me.

He knows Chance. He's friends with him and he didn't tell me. And I know I trust him but... what if he was one of the people talking about me and Mikey to Chance?

That would seriously break my heart. Because even though Mikey is my best friend, Michael and I's friendship has always been different.

I could always go to him for anything, and he's the one person that I completely trust to talk to about my feelings regarding Mikey. The one person who would never judge me for anything.

"Right..." I answer her quietly.

She raises an eyebrow at me, "So are you two official yet?"

"Not yet." I keep it short and simple.

Reyna, although considered as a best friend, wasn't someone I actually told everything to. She could be very judgmental at times and I didn't like that at all.

She also has this thing where she tends to blabber about everything. This one time in 9th grade, she accidentally told her other close friend about my feelings for Mikey. And somehow that translated into "Mikey and Alanna are a thing" and bam. The rumors started. Rumors that a certain someone *cough Mikey* didn't like.

"What is taking you so long? He's cute! Get over Mikey and make a move. Have you kissed him yet?" Reyna asks in frustration.

I frown and Michael sighs knowing that I was about to explode, "Rey stop. You don't know how this feels - how I feel. And until you do, I need you to stop pestering me."

I can tell from the look on her face that she's taken aback, "Wow. Sorry for actually caring about what happens in your life. Oh and by the way, you have no idea how I feel either but whatever. I'll see you later Mike," she glares at me before leaving us outside my classroom.

Michael gives me a look so I speak up, "Don't look at me like that. I had to say something or else she'll never stop asking about me and Chance."

He raises his hands in defense, "No judgment coming from me. You're right, but you know she's sensitive..."

I sigh and give him a quick hug, "I gotta go. Meet up at lunch?"

He nods and kisses the top of my head before heading to his own class.

Right when I walk into the class, Laura starts to whisper to her friend. I roll my eyes and take my seat next to Marcus.

She always had something to say about me and I was getting sick and tired of it. I'm tired of everything.

But my phone buzzes, drawing my attention away from her whispers.

Chance 🌹: hey I miss you 👋

Alanna 🌸: i miss you too ☺️

Chance 🌹: Can we meet up somewhere today?

Alanna 🌸: sure! when & where? 👀

Chance 🌹: the park at 8? Only thing I can think of atm 🙈

Alanna 🌸: I'll be there 😋 see you

Chance 🌹: See you Alanna 💘

(a/n: a short lil update. as some of you may know, i start back college tomorrow so i'm not sure how often i'll update. i love writing though, and i plan on trying my best to update when i can. thank you to everyone who reads this story, it means a lot!)

I WISH YOU LOVED ME, mikey jimenez; MKYWhere stories live. Discover now