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"So how was it?"

I jump, a little startled to see Mikey standing there, "Gosh you gave me a heart attack."

I move from the door and make my way over to him.

"It was good," I respond to his question as we make our way to my room.

He raises an eyebrow at me, "Just good?"

"I mean great. It was amazing yeah," I tell him, not wanting to bring up the fact that he once again didn't kiss me.

"That's good. Did you enjoy the movie?" he questions.

"Yes it's probably my favorite movie now."

I make my way to my dresser and pull out a t-shirt that I'm pretty sure is Mikey's and some shorts to change into.

He chuckles, "So you actually watched the movie?"

I shoot him a confused look, "Um... duh. What else would I be doing at the movie theater?"

He gives me a look that suggests just exactly what he meant by that question. Obviously he goes to the movies for different reasons than I do.

"He still hasn't kissed you has he?" he laughs to himself.

"He has..." I sort of lie but not really.

"A kiss on the cheek doesn't count, Lani. He took you to the movies and didn't kiss you?"

"It's not a big deal. We're taking things slow," I shrug before heading into the bathroom and changing into my clothes.

When I return to the bedroom Mikey is sitting at the edge of my bed. He stands back up when he notices me.

"Do you want to take things slow?" he continues the conversation as he comes closer to me.

"Yeah, I do. It's been a while since I've been in a relationship and I've never...-" I sigh, "- I don't have a lot of experience when it comes to relationships. So I don't mind taking it slow."

He looks deep in thought before he moves even closer to me. Confused, I try to step back but my back hits the wall.

My pulse starts to race because he is standing so close to me that I can almost feel his body heat. If he moved any closer I might stop breathing.

He looks into my eyes before bringing his hand up to touch my cheek, "You deserve the world, Alanna. Be with somebody who can give you that."

He finally presses his body against mine and our foreheads touch.

"Mikey, what are you doing?" I manage to whisper.

"Just- just let me show you how easy it should be for him to kiss you," he says before moving his hands to my neck and slowly pulling me in for a kiss.

Both my mind and heart were racing at the moment and I wasn't even completely sure what was happening

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Both my mind and heart were racing at the moment and I wasn't even completely sure what was happening.

Is my best friend seriously going to kiss me?

That thought seems to knock some sense into me because I suddenly pull away right before his lips are about to touch mine.

He looks hurt but his pain is nothing compared to what I'm feeling right now.

Everything that I have ever wanted was seconds away from happening. But I knew that the reasoning behind it wasn't right.

"Alanna-" he starts.

"Don't," I move away from his touch and out of my room to try and process what just happened.

"Wait," he says as he follows behind me.

I turn to face him abruptly, "What the hell was that?"

He frowns and looks down, "I-I don't know..."

I roll my eyes, "I'll tell you what that was. Bullshit. Why would you pull something like that Mikey?!"

I was really starting to get pissed now. But all I could think was 'does he know I like him?' 'has he known this whole time?'

That's the only reasonable explanation for what just occurred: he knows that I like him and doesn't like the fact that I'm moving on.

"I promise I don't know why I did that. I- I just think you deserve to be treated right. I wasn't thinking straight I'm sorry," he tries to explain himself.

"You really don't want me to be happy do you?"

"What?! Of course I do, you're my best friend," he defends.

"Are you?! Because right now it seems like Michael is the only friend who actually cares about me and wants me to be happy," I yell at him.

I could tell this hurt him because he falls silent and his eyes begin to water.

"What? Why- why would you say that?"

"Because... Chance makes me happy and both you and Rey keep trying to convince me that he doesn't want me. What kind of friends do that?" I end quietly.

"I don't know what to say... I didn't know I was doing that."

I shake my head in disbelief, "So do you know why you just tried to kiss me?"

He looks at the ground and I swear I see a tear run down his face, "I'm not in a good place right now. I have a lot on my mind and I just- I wasn't thinking. I'm so sorry, Lani."

I take a deep breath before responding, "You should sleep in here tonight. I'm gonna go to bed now."

He nods slowly but before I can pass him he grabs my wrist, "Are we okay? Can we forget about this?"

And the sad thing is, even though I said yes, I knew I would never be able to forget about this. And what's even sadder is the fact that I knew he could easily forget everything that happened tonight in a heartbeat.

(A/N: I really like this chapter.)

I WISH YOU LOVED ME, mikey jimenez; MKYWhere stories live. Discover now