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I've been standing outside Mikey's house for at least ten minutes. I don't know if he's home and he's just ignoring or what... but it's about to pour down rain.

Usually I would just walk in, but I'm not sure if that's a good idea right now. However, when the lighting starts to strike, I immediately open the front door and rush inside.

And to my surprise, coming down the stairs is Mikey and... Reyna.

My eyes widen in shock. What the hell.

Mikey takes notice of me and stops in his tracks, causing Reyna to look at me.

She smirks and leans over to kiss Mikey on the cheek. My stomach churns and I feel my face heat up. Don't do anything stupid, Alanna. Don't jump to conclusions.

"Think about what I said. Thanks Mikey," Reyna says as she purposely brushes past my shoulder and walks out the door.

I let out a deep breath as Mikey stays frozen on the stairs.

"Lani.. hey," he rubs the back of his neck.

"Hey... I just wanted to talk but we can do this another time," I say as I turn to leave.

He quickly rushes over to me and grabs my arm, pulling me back, "Hey wait. That wasn't... what it looked like. I'd never do that to you. Despite what you think about me right now."

I sigh, "I believe you."

"I'm telling the truth, she just- wait. You believe me?" he stops his rant.

"Yeah I do. But be careful around her... she's up to no good if you couldn't tell already," I warn him.

He nods, "I know. But uh... you wanted to talk?"

I felt my pulse quicken as I debated on backing out or not. Things have been so awkward between us lately and I don't know if we'll be able to get back to where we were before.


"I miss my best friend," I tell him honestly.

He smiles softly, "I miss you too. A lot."

"I just want to get back to normal... I know it's going to take some time but I refuse to lose you over something so silly," I sit down as I say this, him sitting next to me on the sofa.

He frowns, "Your feelings- our feelings aren't silly."

"That's not what I meant but yeah... I know," I sigh.

He moves closer to me and grabs my hand, "Look I just want you to be happy. And no matter what we'll always be best friends. But if I'm being honest... knowing how you feel about me scares me. I don't want to hurt you anymore."

"What are you saying?"

He sighs, "I shouldn't have kissed you. Not because I regret it because trust me, I don't. But because I can't make you happy Alanna. I don't think I ever could in that way."

"Mikey..." I say softly. The pain in his voice was evident.

He shakes his head, "Don't deny it. We both know it's true... I'm really messed up and I have too much baggage as you know. I'd never put you through that."

I want to yell out that it's not true because I think he could make me very happy. But he does have a lot of baggage; his past with many girls and now the baby situation. So I stay silent.

He speaks up once again, "Maybe if things weren't so complicated... we'd be having a different conversation right now," he pauses as he turns his body towards me, "I do have feelings for you. I have for a while now but... I was kind of denying them. And now that I'm accepting it, I realize you deserve so much better than me."

I frown, "Please stop putting yourself down. You're not this bad guy that you keep portraying yourself to be."

He sighs, "Okay well I'll end it here then. Does Chance make you happy?"

I think to myself for a minute. I knew the answer, and so did he, but I didn't want to say it out loud. I didn't want to confirm the end of what could have been between us.

He chuckles, "Be honest with me Lani. I'll be okay."

"Well... yeah. He makes me happy, Mikey."

"Then that's where you belong right now... And hopefully, eventually, our feelings will fade. We can find our way back to how we used to be," he smiles and pulls me in for a hug.

I silently agree with him, glad to have him back in my life. I don't want anything coming between us anymore.

(a/n: some of y'all might be mad at this chapter hehe.

i decided to let chance and alanna last. for now. or forever ☠️👀 we'll see.

there will probably be a time skip next chapter.

any predictions?

feelings? 😂👀)

I WISH YOU LOVED ME, mikey jimenez; MKYWhere stories live. Discover now