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The weekend went by pretty fast. I spent most of it with Chance, and it was really nice to just hang out with him.

I haven't really talked to anyone else besides him since the whole Mikey situation... Not that anyone tried reaching out to me. Except for Michael, which I responded to here and there.

I wanted to take the week off but it's senior year and I can't afford to miss any time. So I make my way inside the dreadful building.

As soon as I enter, I wish I hadn't. Everyone in the hallway stops to look at me, whispering to each other.

I nervously make my way to my locker, not sure as to what's going on. All I know is I should avoid making eye contact. Gosh, I hope I don't trip that would be so embarrassing.

But not as embarrassing as what is taped to my locker; a picture of me and Mikey kissing in the janitors closet. My back is up against the door and it looks way worse than it actually was. Much more suggestive.

I snatch the picture off, crumbling it up - hearing snickers coming from some of the people who were watching. It was really quiet, minus the faint laughter and hushed talking.

My eyes dart around, trying to find Mikey, but he's nowhere in sight. Instead I spot Michael making his way over to me.

"He's not coming to school today," he informs me as he leans against the locker next to mine.

"How bad is it? Is there more?" I ask desperately.

He bites his lip and nods, "Taped all over the school. Every classroom has one on the whiteboard, there's some stapled to the bulletin boards... I tried getting them all but there's too many."

I close my eyes, "The whole school is going to see this."

He sighs, "Hey let's just head to class. Ignore the stares and whispers."

He places his hand on my back and leads me down the hallway. I try to ignore what people are saying but I can't.

"I can't believe they fucked in the janitors closet."

"Well clearly she's a slut."

"She's not a slut, she's just desperate. Remember she's been wanting Mikey since the 8th grade."


"Her ex best friend said she has a boyfriend. You think she cheated on him?"


"Maybe it was just a kiss?"

"Oh please. Who kisses Mikey Jimenez without going any further?"

"Um - didn't you kiss him though?"


I shake my head at the different conversations going on. Fuck them.


When I get home from an awful day of school, I know that I have to tell Chance. I can't risk him finding out from someone else. I just wasn't sure how this conversation was going to go. I sent him a text asking him to come over and he was here in fifteen minutes.

I WISH YOU LOVED ME, mikey jimenez; MKYWhere stories live. Discover now