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~*2 Months Later*~


April 23rd. 3 weeks away from graduation. 3 weeks away from leaving all of this behind.

I had been accepted into UCLA for performing arts and I was so happy. It's something I never thought I would be good at until recently. I've always been interested in music and acting but this? This was now my dream.

Things have certainly died down over the past two months. It was crazy for a while there, but I got through it. We all did.

Everything was normal again and I was thankful. Mikey and I were closer than ever and my feelings for him have grown to new heights. Michael and I were good. He and Izzy briefly broke up because of the whole he slept with me and cheated on her thing. But they eventually got back together after she forgave both of us. I'm just glad she wasn't at the party to witness it.

Oh and Reyna finally left me alone, and she's dating Miles again. She never apologized but she would wave and smile sometimes, so we were friendly towards one another... just not friends. I don't think I could ever be friends with her again.

Chance and I haven't spoken much since our break up but he was doing well. He got his diploma and was officially a firefighter now. We were all at his graduation/induction ceremony.

So yeah, things were good.

However, I was still trying to focus on myself instead of getting involved in a relationship. I really love Mikey and want nothing more than to finally be with him but... I'm leaving for college. And he, well I don't really know what his plans are.

Every time I ask him, he avoids the question. I know he missed a lot of deadlines because of the whole Laura fake pregnancy scandal, but he still had time to apply after that went down. But now? It might be too late for him to apply anywhere. I was so worried about him... but he refused to talk to me about it.

His mom even asked me if I knew what he was going to do, and I hated telling her that he wasn't talking to me about his future either.

But I was determined to get him to talk to me today. He wasn't going to avoid this conversation any longer.


He was playing his new guitar and I coughed to get his attention. He stopped plucking the strings and looked up at me, "Hmm?"

I grab his guitar and place it on its stand, "hey!" he protests.

But he quickly shuts up once I straddle him, making myself comfortable on his lap.

His eyes widen but he places his hands on my waist to keep me stable, "Well hello."

I laugh and blush, "Hi."

"Um what's this?" he tilts his head in confusion.

I lean in and place a soft kiss on his cheek, "You know how much I care about you Mikey... And I just want to make sure you're not wasting all of your potential."

He sighs and leans forward so that his face is buried in my neck, "So that's what this is about."

"Not really, this is just a little extra," I admit, "But I do want to talk about what you plan on doing. What do you want in your future, Mikey?"

He pulls back to look at me, "You. I want you."

My heart leaps out of my chest and I bite my lip, "O-oh. I meant-"

He chuckles, "Yeah I know but I'm serious. I want you in my future, Alanna. You are my future."

"Wait... does that mean-"

He nods with a wide grin on his face, "I'm coming to L.A with you. I was waiting to surprise you but I kind of started a band with a few of the boys."

"What?! Are you serious?"

I was so happy at hearing this, a little surprised, but so excited.

"Yeah, me, Marcus, Cam, and Jaden. Since Cam and I are graduating, we're going to get a house in L.A. And then Marcus and Jaden will join us once they get their online schooling sorted out," he explains.

"I'm so happy for y'all! That's going to be amazing," I say as I hug him.

He holds me tightly, "I'm excited. I think we'll make a good band."

"A great band," I correct him. All four of them were insanely talented and everyone knew that.

This was the perfect news. He'd be in L.A. with me... wow, who knew this is how things would end up.

I was finally happy. I was finally with the boy I fell in love with... my best friend.

I no longer had to wish that he loved me, because it turns out that somewhere along the way, we both fell for one another. And I'm so happy that we did.

(a/n: so... this was not how I intended to end this book, however, I'm sure no one reads this anymore lol. 4th Ave are no longer together so I forgot about this book tbh... I already had this chapter published and decided that this is where I will end the book. Let's just say that they moved to L.A. and lived happily ever after lmao. Thanks for reading <3 check out some of my other works if you haven't. byeeee)

I WISH YOU LOVED ME, mikey jimenez; MKYWhere stories live. Discover now