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(a/n: this chapter gets a little heated.)


"Lana, stop worrying. Chance isn't cheating on you. He'd be stupid to," Michael mumbles as he slams his locker shut.

I sigh, "Okay maybe, but that doesn't explain the text I saw."

"She could have been talking about his mom or even Brooklyn," he points out.

"I just... I don't want to get hurt."

His face softens and he pulls me in for a hug, "Look... I've known Chance for a while now and he just, he's not like that. Whatever it is, I'm sure he'll tell you eventually."

I nod slowly and pull away from him.

"I think you just need to have fun for a change. Olivia is throwing a party and you should come."

I eventually agree, not knowing what the night had in store for me...


I scan the crowded house in search for Michael, or any familiar face at this point.

"Alanna, hey!" I turn to see Marcus making his way over to me.

"Hey, have you seen Michael?" I ask politely.

He puts on a thinking face, "Yeah I think he was out back with Drew by the drinks."

"Thanks," I smile at him before dismissing myself to find my friend.

I find him exactly where Marcus said he was... with Drew... and Reyna. I stand around awkwardly, not really sure what to do. Drew notices me and we make weird eye contact before he nudges Michael discreetly.

Michael looks up and immediately walks over, "Hey... uh, sorry about that. I've been trying to escape that conversation for 30 minutes now."

I shrug, "It's cool. You don't need to apologize."

"I don't want you thinking I'm still friends with her, 'cause I'm not."

"I'd understand if you were," I tell him, even though I was kind of lying.

He laughs to himself, "Yeah no. Not after what she did. Anyway, want a drink?"

I nod and he goes to grab me one before coming back. I drink some as I look around at all the people, "There's a lot of new faces here."

"Yeah, Liv said she invited people from other schools too. I didn't realize how antisocial I was until I only recognized like 5 people."

I laugh, "Same! We should probably get out more."

The night continues with many drinks and dances, as well as chats with others. I was hoping Mikey or Chance would show up since I had mentioned the party to them, but so far neither of them have shown. I don't blame them though. Chance is probably busy with Brooklyn, and Mikey... well he isn't ready to show his face yet.

"Hey come dance with me," Michael slurs and I giggle, feeling a little tipsy.

Some provocative song was playing but at the moment I didn't care. I came here to loosen up and to have fun, so why not.

Michael and I were surrounded by many bodies, which meant we had no choice but to stay very close to each other. It was starting to get real stuffy in this room.

I finish my drink and throw the red solo cup somewhere behind me. Oops. Michael grips my waist tightly and pulls me closer, if possible. I decide to play along and wrap my arms around his neck, still dancing to the beat of the song.

I think I had a little bit too much to drink.

"Turn around," Michael tells me and I do, beginning to grind on him a little.

As I'm doing so, I make eye contact with Drew from across the room. He takes a sip from his cup and shakes his head with a chuckle before walking out of the room. I frown but continue what I'm doing, not letting whatever that was, worry me.

A shock runs through my body when I feel a soft pair of lips attached to my neck.

"Mike," I breathe out as he starts to leave small kisses on my skin.

"Hmm?" he hums but I fall silent. It felt good.

Definitely had too much to drink.


We find an empty room and quickly enter, him closing the door behind us.

"Lock it," I tell him in a dazed tone.

"I did."

He pushes me up against the wall, trapping my body against his. We stare into each other's eyes until he finally makes a move and kisses me.

It was rushed but gentle at the same time, and gosh, my heart is pounding in my chest.

We make out for a bit, and then he breaks the kiss and softly pushes me onto the bed. He takes his shirt off as I watch, biting my lip in anticipation. My mind was so clouded.

He crawls onto the bed, hovering over me and we continue.

Soon both of us are only left in our underwear, bare skin pressed against bare skin.

He trails kisses down my body, stopping when he reaches where I want him most. He rubs smooth circles on the inside of my thighs and looks up at me, "Are you sure?"

A flash of panic runs through me but it doesn't last long.


That night was one I'll regret for a long time after this.

(a/n: 😏😏😏😏😏😏😏 plot twist? maybe. how do you feel? 😂👀 don't hate me lmao.

go stream Crazy AF by IRL and 323.894.9108 by 4th Ave. they attacked me.)

I WISH YOU LOVED ME, mikey jimenez; MKYWhere stories live. Discover now