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*a few days later*


It's been a few days since the incident. Mikey hasn't been coming to school, mostly because the whole student body heard about what happened. No one has seen or heard from Laura either, but rumors are saying that her mother shipped her off somewhere across the country.

I have been checking up on Mikey each day after school and he's slowly recovering from the shock that came with finding out he wasn't actually the father.

So here we are now, laying on his bed and watching some random Netflix movie. I was sitting up against the headboard, ignoring the recurring glances that Mikey kept sending me.

My phone started to ring, letting me know that Chance was calling. It was clearly bothering Mikey so I silent the call.

He raises an eyebrow at me, "Aren't you going to answer that?"

I sigh and shake my head, not really in the mood for a phone call right now. I send Chance a quick text though, letting him know that we were still on for a little play date with Brooklyn.

He hums and turns his head back to the t.v screen. But I had a feeling he had something he wanted to say, and I'm hoping that he doesn't say it. I don't know why but I feel as if it would ruin everything if he spoke.


I hum and slowly turn to look at him, surprised at how close he was now.

He grabs my hand and looks down at them, "We've been through a lot lately... And I'm just glad you stuck by me."

"Of course, Mikey. I'm not going anywhere."

He coughs a little before continuing, "I know the timing is bad... really bad. But I have to try. I uh... for the first time in a long time I'm single. I'm in a place where life really has me thinking. And I think it's always been there, the thought of you and me together. And I want you, Alanna. I love you and I know deep down you still feel that way about me."

My heart stops and I have to remind myself to keep breathing, "Mikey..."

He sighs, "I know, I know. You have Chance."

I nod hesitantly, not sure on how to approach this situation. I was finally in a place where I was truly happy.

"Yeah... we um.. you and I work better as friends."

"You can't say that because you don't know for sure. Maybe one day we can give us a shot," he shrugs before getting up.

I frown, "Mikey-"

"It's going to happen, Alanna. One day."

He swiftly walks out of the room, leaving me in shock. This won't be good.


"Lana!" Brooklyn giggles as she runs to me and jumps in my arms.

I laugh and spin her around carefully before setting her back down. Chance grins at the two of us before walking over and giving me a brief kiss.

"Can we play dolls?" the little girl asks with excitement.

She gives me the puppy dog look that reminds me so much of her father, so of course, I can't decline.

After almost an hour of playing dolls, Chance puts on Moana for us to watch. Brooklyn passes out halfway through, giving Chance and I time to talk.

"How's Mikey?"

I look down, "He's doing better..."

"Good. Everybody was a little worried," he grabs my hand.

I can't help but feel guilty even though I did absolutely nothing wrong, "I was too. But time heals all wounds, right?"

He nods and pulls me closer to him, "Right."

I smile and kiss him softly, him deepening it not too long after. Every kiss makes me fall even deeper for him, and it scared me. I couldn't help feeling that something big was going to happen soon.

"Well let me put her to bed and we can continue this," he smiles before getting up to take Brooklyn to her room.

As he leaves the room, his phone goes off with a text. I wasn't trying to be nosy but it was practically staring me in the face.

Emma 🌸: did you tell her yet?

My mind starts to race at all the possibilities of what the text could mean. I've always been known to overthink things, but I tried not to let that get the best of me.

Chance enters the room again and I quickly pretend that nothing happened, which was quite hard to do.

What did he have to tell me? And was that text even talking about me?

(a/n: hi. it's been a minute. i honestly have so many unpublished stories that i've been working on, it's crazy. that and college is killing me. but i'm going to try to update as much as i can so that i can finish this :) i have a lot planned.)

I WISH YOU LOVED ME, mikey jimenez; MKYWhere stories live. Discover now