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"Alanna... please, I need my best friend right now."

I laugh pitifully to myself, "Can you go?"

I see the hurt flash through his eyes, "I know you probably hate me right now, but can we just... put that to the side? I'm fucking terrified. I've been holding this in and I-I, please," he chokes out.

I look at him and all I feel is hurt. My heart fucking hurts right now.

All these years and he still goes for the girls who are the complete opposite of me. But I guess that speaks to the kind of person I am, doesn't it? I mean if he'd rather be with someone like Laura... That really makes me feel like shit.

"I have to go meet Chance," I mumble before making my way past him.

"What? You're seriously leaving?" he asks in shock.

"You expect me to stay? That girl makes my life a living hell! You know first hand the shit she says about me," I end quietly.

"I was drunk! I'd never do something like this if I was sober... I wouldn't hurt you like that on purpose."

I laugh at the irony of this whole situation. If only he knew.

"Drunk actions are sober thoughts, right? I have to go," I shake my head and leave my own room.

He rushes to catch up with me, "Fuck. Alanna, stop."

I quickly grab my phone and see I have a few texts from Chance. That's when I realize that it's 8:36pm and I'm late to meet him. I hurry and type up a text to him but my phone is taken from my hands.

"Mikey I need to go. Give me my phone please," I frown at him.

He shoves it in his pocket and shakes his head, "Not until we talk about this."

I roll my eyes and decide to leave anyway, without my phone. And this time he doesn't come after me.


I finally make it to the park, but Chance is nowhere in sight. This is great, freaking perfect.

Why is everything falling apart today? Not only did my best friend knock up the school's head bitch, now Chance probably thinks I stood him up.

I wait for an hour just in case... But eventually, I have to leave because it starts to pour down rain. I take the route to the closest shelter, which happens to be the cafe.

There are only 3 other people there which is good. The waitress comes over and takes my order as soon as I take a seat in one of the booths. My hair is soaking wet, along with my clothes - but she doesn't seem to mind.

So here I am, sipping the warm coffee from my cup... thinking about everything that has happened lately.

I don't even notice that I'm crying until the tears start to hit the table. I try to cry silently because the last thing I want is attention being drawn to me. 

I keep my head down as I wipe underneath my eyes with a napkin, when I feel the presence of someone taking a seat across from me. I refuse to look up, and whoever it is doesn't say anything... so we sit there for a few minutes until I calm down.

When I'm sure I'm done crying, I look up and raise my eyebrows at the person.

"Hi?" I greet quietly.

He gives me a soft smile, "Are you okay?"

'No' I wanted to scream at him, but I just shake my head.

"I know we don't talk much... but I'm here if you want to let it out," he says sincerely.

I would love to talk about everything that I'm feeling right now... but I don't know if I can trust him. He's friends with Mikey after all, and chances are he's possibly one of the ones who talk bad about me.


He sighs, "I called Michael... He's on his way and before you get upset, I know you need someone to talk to and he's probably the best option at the moment."

I look down and nod, "Thank you. Really, you didn't have to check up on me and all."

"I kinda figured what was going on..." he explains vaguely.

Does that mean that Mikey told him first? I shouldn't be surprised.

A bell rings signaling that someone entered the shop.

"Lana, is everything okay?" Michael rushes over and glances between me and Marcus.

I stand up and just run into Mike's arms, him automatically wrapping them around me.

"Thanks, Marcus," I hear Michael quietly tell the boy.

And then it's just the two of us, and I let everything out. I explain what all went down and he truly listens, like he always does.

(a/n: this chapter kind of sucks... i'm sorry 😣 i wanted to update since i'm off today and yeah 😩 it's not my best.

any thoughts on what happens next?

thoughts on this chapter?)

I WISH YOU LOVED ME, mikey jimenez; MKYWhere stories live. Discover now