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"I think I'm gonna ditch school for today," Michael tells me as we walk down the hall.

I laugh, "I'd ditch with you if I could. I have a test today."

"Well I guess I'm on my own then. I'll see ya later Alanna," he hugs me before walking right out the school building.

I look at my phone and realize that I have 30 minutes until my next class. No use in going to my current class. I also see that I have a missed call from Chance. Without a second thought, I immediately dial him back.

"Hey..." he answers quietly.

"Chance, I tried to call you. I'm really sorry that I was late the other day but I did show up. A lot has been going on and-" I rant but he cuts me off,

"I've kind of been ignoring your calls... and texts. I called you today when I realized I should hear you out. So is it true?"

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, "Is what true?"

He sighs, "I heard that Mikey got a girl pregnant and I just thought..." he trails off.

"You thought it was me? So you assumed and didn't even bother to ask me?"

"Yeah... I know it's stupid but part of me couldn't help but think it was true. I heard people talking about it. And then the other part of me didn't want to know if it was true. So I kept putting it off," he says honestly.

I sigh into the phone, "It's not me. I wish you would have called sooner."

He chuckles, "So do I. It's been driving me crazy not knowing, but at the same time... I kept telling myself 'why else would she stand you up?' and yeah."

"It wasn't intentionally... But we do have some things to talk about. Can we meet up later? I promise I will show up on time. I'll even be early," I ask hopefully.

"Of course. Text me a time and place and you know I'm going to be there, Alanna."


"You must really love coffee," Chance chuckles as he joins me at the table.

I blush, "Coffee runs through my veins. But I already ordered for you, I just got what you had on our first date."

"You remembered?" he asks surprised.

I nod and he smiles, "That's cute. So um... how long have you been here?"

"Thirty minutes or so. This is my second iced coffee."

He laughs and shakes his head, "Should have known... I'm really sorry about ignoring you."

"I understand, trust me. It's okay," I tell him.

It falls silent and he sighs, playing with the ring on his finger. He always wears it but I've never asked where he got it or who gave it to him. Obviously it's very special to him and I wouldn't want to pry.

"I really have to stop listening to what people say... Most of it isn't even true, so I don't know why I let it get to me," he sighs.

I grab his hand, "Just ask me next time. I'll be open and honest with you, okay?"

He nods and intertwines our fingers with a smile on his face. I'm really conflicted at the moment because just earlier I was confessing my love to Mikey, but then again my goal for this year still stands.

Mikey ran out the bathroom and left me, obviously another sign telling me to move on. And I do like Chance, I just don't know. Then there's the whole Michael situation - but he swears he just wants me to be happy.

The last thing I want to do is hurt anyone.

"You said you wanted to talk?" he cautiously brings up.

I take a deep breath, "Today was really... crazy."

"Talk to me. Remember you can tell me anything, I'll always listen..."

Gosh why does he have to be so nice and sincere? It's one of my favorite things about him.

Here goes nothing, "Um... well for starters I lost one of my closest friends, who seems to be out to get me. She kind of made a huge scene in the middle of the hallway, and spilled a bunch of secrets..."

He raises an eyebrow, "Let me guess: she told everyone about your feelings?"

I nod, "Yeah... and he was in the hallway. So long story short he knows."

He leans back in his seat, "Does that change anything?"

That's a good question. One that I wish I had the answer to, but I think Mikey made it quite obvious.

"No it changes nothing. I still... I have to move on. I don't want to lie to you Chance, today I gave him one last shot. But it's clear that everything is still the same as it always has been. And I'm done," I say.

He bites his lip and looks at our hands that lay on the table "I want you to give me a shot. I really do. And if I'm being honest, I'm scared as hell because it's like you have this... this hold over me and I have no idea if this will even work out. But if you can give us an honest try... then I'd really love if we... if we could be like official?"

My heart skips a few beats as I stare at him for a few seconds. I wasn't expecting this conversation to end with this... So many thoughts run through my mind at the moment and it gives me a horrible headache.

Is it too soon?

Will I hurt him?

What about Mikey?

Will this hurt Michael?

Am I really ready for this?


I close my eyes and sigh before looking into his eyes, "I don't want to hurt you Chance. I've never been in a real relationship before and I don't know if..." I trail off.

"You don't know if you'll be able to get over Mikey. I get that but it's a risk I'm willing to take for you. We'll never know if we don't at least try. I've only been in one serious relationship before, and it ended... awfully. And that was with Brooklyn's mom. I had to accept that it was over and we finally got our shit together for our daughter. I thought I'd never get over her, Alanna. But I did."

I listen to his words and finally make my mind up, "Okay. Let's give us a chance."

He smiles, "So Alanna Winters, does that make you my girlfriend?"

I giggle and lean over to kiss his cheek, "I guess it does."

(a/n: well well well this just got interesting

i wonder how mikey will react 😩👀

hehe but a hurricane hit tuesday/wednesday 😂 it was weak asf but i'm glad cause i didn't lose power and everyone's okay. wifi is still acting up a bit so i'm trying to update when i can. love y'all! vote & comment 💜)

I WISH YOU LOVED ME, mikey jimenez; MKYWhere stories live. Discover now