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(a/n: i recommend going back and reading the previous chapter cause it's been a while lol 💓)

~•Over Two Months Later - January•~


A lot has happened in these past two months. Everything was actually... pretty normal now.

Mikey and I went back to being the best friends we always were, never really bringing up the awkward phase we went through a few months back... which I guess is good.

He's been pretty busy with the baby situation and with Laura... And I couldn't fight back the feeling that something wasn't right there. I had a gut feeling that she was lying, but I'm afraid to say anything because we're in a civil place right now and she's actually being really nice to me. The last thing I want to do is upset Mikey. 

Anyway, moving on... Chance and I are doing great. We've been dating for almost three months and he makes me really happy. Over Christmas break we spent a lot of time together and I met his family. And he introduced me as his girlfriend...

At first I was so scared that they wouldn't like me, but as soon as they saw how much Chance cares about me and how much I care about both him and Brooklyn, they quickly accepted me with open arms.

He briefly met my mom, despite her being so busy all the time, and she absolutely adores him.

I'm happy. So freaking happy but terrified at the same time. I'm terrified because I swear Chance keeps trying to tell me he's in love with me. He first brought it up on Christmas Eve and I awkwardly dodged the conversation. Then he tried again on New Year's Eve... I guess I'm just worried that it might be too early to be saying that. So every time the conversation gets serious, I try changing the subject...

I think he's starting to get frustrated but he's too sweet to say anything about it and I honestly feel awful...

But I can't help it.

Reyna backed off a little thankfully. She still makes snark comments sometimes but it all died down after we got back from Christmas break, which was only two weeks ago.

I think it might be because she actually has a boyfriend now to keep her busy. I guess she got over her feelings for Michael because she's dating Miles again. Funny, isn't it?

Speaking of Michael... he also has a girlfriend. She moved her just before the break and they quickly hit it off. Her name is Isabelle, or Izzy for short, and we're really good friends. It felt nice to have a close friend that was a girl again because I could talk to her about things that I can't exactly talk to Mikey or Michael about.

But yeah... Things are looking really good, except that I couldn't exactly shake the feeling that something bad was coming soon... and I don't know why.

I just hope this moment of peace and happiness lasts.

(a/n: i'm backkkk let's goooo 😛😈)

I WISH YOU LOVED ME, mikey jimenez; MKYWhere stories live. Discover now