One Last Time(poem)

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Been a while since I've seen you,
But I still miss you the same,
Craving your presence is nothing new,
But with our mistakes, who's to blame?

The blaring siren of danger always flashed,
But we were too busy enjoying the crash,
And when the flames shot too high,
Our recklessness gave a backlash.

But how could I not live when
The opportunity danced before me,
Magnetising me to give myself up
Where the devil would set me free.

Regret in not what I feel,
Every moment with you is cherished,
But rueful thoughts make me kneel,
As I think of our future that perished.

The journey was pleasant,
Though the road was dreadful.
But the thing I'll forever resent,
Is the end with things too hurtful.

This is my last teardrop to you,
But don't mistake it for a closure.
Till infinity, it'll echo, these words few,
I'll always love you with all my pleasure.

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