I would, I should, I could (poem)

53 14 19

I would say it in the words of dead,
With my heart near your head,
Our own morse code of heartbeats and heartskips,
If only you'd hear my unmoving lips,
I would tell you all of it.

I should paint you into murals,
Near the wall with dead corals,
And not hide the sea of emptiness you left,
Not ashamed of feeling bereft,
I should show the world all of it.

I could light you candles or scatter your ashes,
And not hide my emotional rushes,
Hope you in a better afterlife after me,
Where you aren't a prisoner, you're free.
I could have been a saviour if i wanted it.

A/N: So this is a poem where the speaker addresses his/her dead lover and maybe even blames herself/himself for the other's demise. I know, it's a little dark, but never hurts to try right?

Tell me your views on it. I am really excited to hear from you guys!

Lovelove ❣

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