You're a virus.
I'd say the digital one,
But I'm a little old school,
And technology limits my imagination
So, I'll say, the real one.The same one that adapts,
The same one that spreads,
The same one that causes chaos.On the outside,
So inanimate,
So nonchalant,
So demure.
On the inside,
So alive,
So curious,
So superior.You have your charms,
And you have your tricks.
But both of them thrive,
Once inside my mind
Once inside my soul.I might be the one that writes,
But it's your words that
Bind me, blind me.The after effects?
I shiver and burn in cold fires,
And crumble in the pain of aching bones,
Finding ways to breathe.
And in the night,
When I can't sleep
As the broken record
Of your simple words
Dominates my playlist,
I try to find the music in them,
The loudest one,
Even if I hate it,
Just to drown out your voice.
While in the day,
I'll stare at the pixelated images,
Trying to make sense
Of things that are plainly complex.
And as time becomes a question,
I'll answer it with internal struggle.They say a lot of things-
Use precaution,
Prevention is better than cure,
Don't panic,
It'll be alright,
It's okay,
It's just a phase.
But they don't believe a single,
Because belief bleeds from alarmed eyes,
And they, they are terrified.I'll learn to be careful from you now,
But you adapt,
And you change forms,
And you return.What do I do when you return?
What do I do?
Words Of An Idle Mind
Poetry~this idle mind is no devil's workshop~ •••~•••~••• ||Featured on WATTPAD CHRONICLE -May2018 (wattpad's official monthly magazine)|| || Featured on WATTPAD CHRONICLE- July2018 (wattpad's official monthly magazine)|| ||Featured on @AmbassadorJP readi...