User-free (poem)

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You tell me to do your bidding ,while
You behold the couch potato throne.
But no, not again I will be a pawn.
I'm determined to make you do it alone.

I had a manual, instructions were pretty lucid.
The top one was "USER-FRIENDLY".
But after production of infinite prototypes,
My best version is 'USER-FREE.'

After being cast aside, though useful I am proved,
I decided to change things for my better.
Why do something for others(oh those Selfless ones! )
Only to hear things that make me bitter.

No manipulation, no persuasion,
No requests , no demands.
Only when I MYSELF feel the need
Will I lend my helping hands.

And then I won't complaint
Of being used again.
Nor will the aquiantance deplore
Of me being humanity's bane.

Whimpering in despair of negligence,
No I won't be that altruistic tree.
For I work out of love and respect for self,
I believe in being USER-FREE.

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