I'm a not a simple girl
Caressing her broken heart;
When no one's watching,
I'm the world
Someone holds in his arms.I'm not a broken tune
That envys a melodious song;
When no one's watching,
I'm the echo on a stage
That travels through every audience.I'm not a scared step
That stays confined in the house;
When no one's watching,
I'm a backpack full of stories with
Post cards from all around the world.I'm not the silence
That shrouds an unlearned mind;
When no one's watching,
I'm a wise sage's words
That echos off the universe.Only when no one's watching,
I'm everything I'm not,
Everything I ever want to be,
Everything I'm too afraid to be,
Only when no one's watching.
Words Of An Idle Mind
Poetry~this idle mind is no devil's workshop~ •••~•••~••• ||Featured on WATTPAD CHRONICLE -May2018 (wattpad's official monthly magazine)|| || Featured on WATTPAD CHRONICLE- July2018 (wattpad's official monthly magazine)|| ||Featured on @AmbassadorJP readi...