I watched a beautiful movie called 'THE SKY IS PINK' today. It was from the perspective of a young girl who was born with Severe Combined Immunodeficiency and later, Pulmonary Fibrosis.
But this story was not about her. It was about her family, and how everyone had their own way of being part of her life, and being connected to her. It was about how they came to terms with her illness and her death.
Yes, I'm revealing right here that she dies, you get to know it in the first 10 minutes of the movie. And it might be pretty evident that she would, considering the title of the post.
There is no easy way to deal with it. There is no way you will have to not ever deal with it. It may be a real person's death, or a character's. But everyone deals with it, at some point, or many points if I'm being realistic, in their life.
My experience with death around me baffles me to be honest.
I am affected more by a fictional being than real people parting away from my life. These real people had immense value in my life, but I could barely orchestrate a tear. In fact, I was numb to it. It felt like a mechanical process - of being part of the funeral procession.
But on the other hand, quite contrastingly, fictional emotions and hardships move me so much, that I carry it around for days.
I have felt more real feelings for fictional people than pretentious feelings for real people.
The reverse is not true. I enjoy the happy endings and tiny little moments of joy the characters feel, but in the back of mind, I'm aware that it's someone's creation.
In real life, I crave for memories, the blissful, joy giving memories, with people I hold close to my heart. Every little thing they do, for others or for me, or even for themselves as a matter of fact, all of it renders me that in a state of peace. It makes me feel hope, that people have so much good to give out, that the bad may not even touch us. It's a false hope really. But it's the one that I cling to anyways.
It's not just the small, it's not just the big. It's the one that moves you.
The kiss from someone you love, the one kind gesture on a horrible day, a stranger seen doing something nice for the animals in passing, a long hug from someone you missed, the euphoric smell of books, the compliments you receive after achieving something.
It's the things that you do for yourself too.
It's simply everything and anything.
Death and Happiness
A pretty weird combination right?
Something so morbid, and something so joyous?But it can coexist.
Why is death so dampening? Because we think of it as an end of a happy life that we would live.
But what if, we think of it as a way to motivate us to live a happy life in the present and not in the future.
Count not the happy moment, but create them.
Counting puts a number, and numbers eventually lead to comparisons, and we as humans naturally want to have 'more' than others.
That's when death looms over us, when we count the days until we die.
But the irony is, majority if us never know when we will die, how we will die.
Happiness in Death
Death can be happy, if firstly, we accept that we will eventually die, and secondly, that we will die eventually.
The former means that it's as simple as birth, and need not be something that makes you feel like it decides your decisions.
The later means, it may be now, or it maybe plenty of years later. It's your end result, but not your goal.
Death can be happy when you decide to look around the happy things in life, be it yours or be it others. But that's it, just feel the happiness, instead of making it someone's possession.
You can try as much as you want, but feelings, they are immeasurable.
And when you can't measure it, why not just live with it?
Words Of An Idle Mind
Poetry~this idle mind is no devil's workshop~ •••~•••~••• ||Featured on WATTPAD CHRONICLE -May2018 (wattpad's official monthly magazine)|| || Featured on WATTPAD CHRONICLE- July2018 (wattpad's official monthly magazine)|| ||Featured on @AmbassadorJP readi...