I never met you,
But i meet you everyday,
In the mirror in my room
That has shades of you withering,
In the glossy eyes of the ones you love
As we chatter around the dining table.
You were gone, long before i was born
To the land of eternity,
But your fragmented peices
Linger in me,
In the way i comb my short crop hair
From left to right always,
In the way i sleep with my head covered
And my long legs half dangling from the edge,
In the way i try to dance
But all i end up doing is an awkward stance,
In the way i speak, walk, laugh.
So i meet you, everyday, everywhere,
Haunted by being you by being me.
But we are different you see,
You hated caramel
And i breath on it.
I am not you, never will be you.
I will be a version of me
Where you will never be seen
Apart from the photo albums,
Where i will watch all those Disney movies
You deemed girly,
Where i will climb mountains
Of heights that accelerated your heartbeat,
Where i will not be a living shadow
Moulded from someone's ashes.
And i have already started it
With caramel popcorn.*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*
A/N: Have you ever felt like someone's shadow? A friend, a sibling, a relative? Well if you have, this poem is for you guys. If you haven't, maybe this will tell you how it feels when you are.
Anyways, this is another free verse poetry. Not my comfort zone, but yeah... Tell me your views on it.
Lovelove ❣

Words Of An Idle Mind
Poetry~this idle mind is no devil's workshop~ •••~•••~••• ||Featured on WATTPAD CHRONICLE -May2018 (wattpad's official monthly magazine)|| || Featured on WATTPAD CHRONICLE- July2018 (wattpad's official monthly magazine)|| ||Featured on @AmbassadorJP readi...