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I want to tell you I miss you,
Tu me manques
Which when translated from French means
You're missing from me.

And here I go again,
Sitting in the middle of my heartache,
My first heartbreak,
Sourced from you,
I miss you.

But I won't tell you this to your face,
As I'm sitting in the middle of my heartache,
My first heartbreak,
It's sourced from you.

And I'll write it,
Write about it,
Declaring it to everyone but you,
Where the world can read it,
But no one will,
Just in hindsight,
Ever so easily missed.

And I'll keep missing you,
And maybe someday move on from this dwelling
Of what we could have been
Or of what we were.

You're the cause,
But I don't know if you're the healing,
And I don't know if I even want to know.

These words,
I want to say it,
To you
But also
Keep them to myself as well.

Here I go again,
Swinging in dilemma,
Just like always,
When it comes to you.

When it comes to you,
I still breath in heartache,
Breath on heartbreak.

Until then, I'll keep listening to songs on loop,
On repeat for days to come, for weeks,
Songs that pierced my skin once,
But now, they pierce my bones, my soul,
Maybe shed some unexplainable tears too along the way.

Tu me manques et je t'aime.

Words Of An Idle Mind Where stories live. Discover now