Parallel Illusion (poem)

52 11 15

You were there,
Always side by side,
Parallel to my line,
Never forward, never behind.

A strong pillar ,
That I never went to,
When I should have,
But in a snap, time flew.

Then the illusion broke,
The shards of mirror peirced my skin,
As your broken shadow bleeds me,
But then i realize that we are akin.

An image of me,
I never dared to hope,
Would be my buoy,
Would be my saving rope.

I mistook a parallel silhouette,
As my soul saving illusion,
When all i had to do is look inside,
And not in the mirror vision.


A/N: thank you HillbillieNolan for this prompt (which was long overdue)!

Tell me what you think about it!


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