The Lie is The Truth

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         How do you lie? Well that's easy, just say something that does not mean anything. It's just a statement that eludes you from the painstaking truth. You can always lie easily if it does not concern YOU or YOUR emotions. It's easier to not consider others around you if you yourself are not part of the equation.

     Truth. TRUTH. How do you tell the truth? Well this is the truth- truth never goes the easy way, so as per human nature- truth comes hard to us. We try to avoid it as much as we can, trying to take a detour around this avoidable boulder.

       But one thing we dont understand is that this truth, a core piece of the circle of life, it can never be overlooked. It's bound to pop-up now and again, the same truth that you are trying to escape from, and it forces you to take multiple detours, when finally one day, it leads you to a dead end. At this point, truth is unavoidable. It's either you tame this lion or the lion tastes you. But the more you avoid this beast, the stronger it gets, feeding on your anxiety, fears and of course, your lies.

     But, even after knowing the consequences, the trouble afterwards, we do lie, we blatantly avoid truth, we ignore its existence.

    Why? A meagre question with a million unworded answers.

    How can you say the truth and face the disappointments from the ones you love the most? How can you stand the look of regret in their eyes? How can you make them suffer because of your mistakes, your misjudgements, your miscalculations?

     You have to do it someday, no doubt, but the delay brings a sense of forebringing to it. It may strengthen the monster on the other side, but sometimes, it also gives you the power to face it with your head held high. It brings a sense of finality to it, which if you accept, you know you can face it then.

    But it still does not make it eaiser to tell the truth, when you know you haven't tried hard enough to change it. It still does not make it eaiser to keep going and going and going and not think about the 'what ifs'.

     The dream of the parallel reality that you wish to be true after experiencing the actual one, makes you want to lie, and wish for the lie to become the truth. But a dream, real or false, can only be the truth if you take steps towards it. If you keep basking in the light of the lies, you can't expect the ways of the truth to come to you. You yourself have to dive in and save your soul, your purpose from drowning.

       But this deed, it takes a great deal of strength, which only a few possess. The rest, they simply accept the lie they live and falsely convince themselves of it being the truth. They know their purpose, they also know that the way they are walking is far from it, but they also believe in their cores that they won't survive changing the routes now.

      The lie is the truth for them...the lie becomes the truth for them...then there remains no lie....but just a false truth and it's pitiful end.

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