The shadows hiding underneath my skin
With their hands suffocating me
Pulling me stronger again
I'm choking in my own painThe monsters are back
Ready for an attack
My mind is polluted
This battle I know I'll lose itScared of my weak self
I'm on the everlasting road to hell
My life is dictated by demons
No one will save me todayThe fear is running in my veins
Scary thoughts crawl in my brain
"Should I end it or not?"
"Shit, I don't know"The time flies away
But the questions stay
I'm fighting with myself
Will I win or this will be the end?
PoetryЖивотът ме направи една бъркотия от емоции. Оплитам се в собствения си хаос с всеки изминал ден и чувството е задушаващо. Но изкуството освобождава душата ми от болката и я превръща в нещо красиво. Това е мигът, в който се чувствам свободна. Думите...