Lately I've been having issues.
In my head is where they like to play.
"There's nothing that can fix you".
I believe in every word they say.They come from time to time
to visit my hollow soul.
To ruin me till I cry
while they scream at me "Hello!".People often say to me:
"A therapist may help you change".
But they don't know what it is
to be in war with yourself.No medicine, no spell
can make the issues leave me.
It's even hard to tell
how many times I've tried to feel free.But they are stuck to me like glue,
live permanently in my brain.
Like ghosts in a haunted room,
issues burn everything like flame.
Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.
PoezieЖивотът ме направи една бъркотия от емоции. Оплитам се в собствения си хаос с всеки изминал ден и чувството е задушаващо. Но изкуството освобождава душата ми от болката и я превръща в нещо красиво. Това е мигът, в който се чувствам свободна. Думите...