Room 91

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Brendon's p.o.v.

"So, Mr Armstrong, why did you take an early retirement?" I asked. We were sitting in a café called Room 91, because it was the 91st building on the street it was located on. It was cheap but good quality, and it had a cosy, homely feeling to it. I went there very often.

"Please, Brendon, call me Billie," Billie said, before sighing sadly, "I didn't want to retire, you know. I loved teaching. I loved maths- I still love maths. Heck, I even loved some of my classes. The teachers too. A lot of the people at that school were amazing. But the doctors said that although I may think I love my job, it had been causing me so much stress that I had become oblivious to it, causing me to become depressed. They said it was for the best that I retire early." I listened intently, feeling sympathy for Billie.

"The doctors just want the best for you, Billie," I said this, not because I took his job and wanted to rub it in, but because it's true.

"I guess," he said, before peeking up. "But anyway, how is it going for you, Brendon? Are the classes behaving for you? Are the teachers being nice? Any favourite pupils?" I had to laugh.

"I've been there for a year and now you ask, Billie!" I said. "But yes, I love it. So many classes are different, but you know the stereotypes- the jocks that are too big for their boots and think they own the school- they never work but seem to get by. There's the quiet smart ones and the popular girls and the girls who aren't popular but aren't invisible either. Most of my classes are great, really. A lot of the teachers are nice, but some of the females are a bit, uh....too nice?"

Billie smirked. "Well, a guy like you and I'm not surprised! How old are you now?"

"Twenty-four," I said. "Twenty-five this April."

"Very good! Although, maybe some of the teachers a few years too old for you," Billie smirked, before asking, "Have you got Josh Dun and Dallon Weekes' class?"

"Josh Dun is a very bright pupil, I must say," I admitted. "Dallon Weekes though? I've heard a lot about him, but he wasn't at school for all of last year. There's also Tyler Joseph. He's smart too."

"Oh, I remember Dallon said he had to take the next year reasons I think...but Dallon is a great pupil." Billie took a breath. I listened curiously, wanting to know more about this mysterious Dallon. "Works hard, is top of the class all the time, is extremely polite and quiet and he dresses very smartly. He's tall. Cute too, I'll give you that! But he's often get picked on by people. Wouldn't ever say anything to anyone about it either. I would've helped, but you can't do much without the pupil telling you, because you need proof. Tyler Joseph must be new, by the way. He wasn't there while I was."

"Interesting," I said. "You know, Billie, I think I'd like to meet this Dallon Weekes sometime. He sounds like a pleasure to teach."

"He was the best pupil I ever had, and he's coming back to school in September with the rest of the school! It is only three days away now, Brendon. Time will soon tell." I grew grew increasingly more interested in Dallon. If he is a good student like Billie said, he'll make my job so much easier! However, I've heard some many different things about him. Some say he's quiet, and weird, and some say he's really kind and smart and Josh said he was the best friend ever with a really smart dress style. But some say he's creepy and a bully and that he just covers it up with his politeness and good looks....I think I trust Billie more.

I hope you like this chapter! I think most of the story will be in Dallon's pov but Brendon will have some too :)

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