Love at first sight

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Author's note- I just want to say a massive THANK YOU to everyone who has voted on my chapters! I'm so grateful for you all, it is really encouraging that you are enjoying this fanfic! I'll try to keep up the good work haha :)

Brendon's p.o.v.

Dallon said yes! I can't believe it! I want to scream and shout and tell the whole world that I had a boyfriend! I hope he's a bottom, because I'm a top and I'm not going to bottom under a pupil, or anyone, whether it was Dallon or not.

But I can't, and that makes me sad.

That I can't tell the world how much I love my amazing, beautiful boyfriend, because he's a pupil, and I'm a teacher.
Dallon actually got his lift today, so I didn't have to worry about him not getting a lift home. I want my baby to be safe.

I go home to my daily cup of coffee, which I don't even need for energy today, because I'm full of it! I feel like a teenage girl, all giddy and excitable, though I have every right and reason to be. I have a boyfriend! I might even visit my parents some time to tell them! I'd just have to make sure the timing is right. They were always really accepting of my sexuality, but it's just the fact that Dallon is young. I mean, he could pass being older because he's so damn tall, but his face shows his youth a lot. I don't think they'd buy it.
I do, however, call my friend Ian Crawford so I can tell him about Dallon. Although I mentioned earlier about it being dangerous people knowing about illegal relationships like this, I could trust Ian with anything and he wouldn't tell anyone. He would be supportive of me, as long as I was happy. I dialled his number and he picked up on the second ring.

"Hey, Brendon! It's been a while!" That made me slightly guilty, but he sounded so happy to be talking to me that I decided not to dwell on it.

"Hey, Ian, I've got some news! I've got a boyfriend!" I was practically bursting with excitement and happiness.

"Wow! What's his name? How old is he? What's he like? Is he cute? Is he-"

"Geez, Ian, let me answer the questions first before you ask more!" I laughed.

"He's called Dallon, and he's incredibly sweet and kind. He's got this killer blue eyes and he's really tall. He's literally a tree." I deliberately left out his age, because although Dallon hasn't actually told me yet, I knew there was going to be an age difference of at least seven or eight years, which some people didn't like. I am twenty four, after all. (AN- my friends great uncle is 80 and he married a 40 year old and his children are older than his wife lol)

"Aw he sounds amazing, Brendon! I need to meet him sometime!" I laugh, though this makes me slightly nervous, because I suddenly realise that that may not be a good idea, in case Ian decides that dating a pupil is not good.

"Yeah! I hope you do!" I lie through my teeth.

Dallon's p.o.v.

I can't believe I said yes! I'm now Mr Ur- I mean Brendon's boyfriend!

There's so much I don't know about Brendon, but I can't wait to find out more about him!

Gerard actually came to give me a lift home today, during which he constantly apologised for forgetting to collect me yesterday. I said it was fine, but he still seems upset. I could hardly sit still in his car the whole way home, I was so happy.

"You got ants in your pants or something?" Gerard laughed. I blushed lightly.

"No, I'm just really happy today," I reply. It was true! What can I say?

My mum was coming home today, which was good because I've missed her, but I don't know how I'm going to hide my giddiness from her. Mum is always supportive of me, but she doesn't know I'm gay. And the fact that I'm gay and in a relationship with my teacher might not sit very well.
I could just not tell her, right?


"Dallon, I'm home!" I hear Mum calling, so I bound downstairs and run into her arms, wrapping my arms around her. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too, Mum," I say. "How was London?"

"Great, sweetie, I bright you back some shortbread, because English shortbread is amazing, but I also brought you back some other stuff!"

Mum handed me a bag, which she watched as I opened it. There was a picture of the famous Big Ben, the Tower of London and Buckingham Palace, a jumper that was black and oversized, still from my lose of weight, and a bass guitar book for the bass guitar I own. I can't wait to play it again.

"Thanks so much, Mum, I love it all!" I really did, and it was even better because I could hide my happiness and pretend it was because of this.

"I'm glad you do, honey, but it was the least I could do. I really did want to take you with me."

For the first time in ages, I played my bass guitar. I used my new bass guitar chord book to help me write a song is started a while back, called Love At First Sight. I used to have a crush on Josh, when we first became friends, but I quickly grew out of it when I realised it wasn't going anywhere and it would ruin our friendship if I was too awkward around Josh. But I still kept the song, and I'd often sing it to myself. Not because I'm cocky or narcissistic, but because I could remember it enough so I could sing it to someone who I loved.

I hope that someday I can sing it to Brendon. I hope he likes it. I think he will like it.

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