Gotta secret

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Author's note- hey guys! I'm thinking of ending this fic soon...(awwww) but I am going to start a new fic really soon after! A lot of you guys seem to be interested in a multiship, so I think I'll do it next! I am really excited for what is to come in the future! I think they're may only be around five to seven chapters left of this fic.  But enjoy this chapter for now :)

Dallon's p.o.v.

"Wait," Patrick repeats. "You have a boyfriend?!" I locate my mouth and take a bite of my sandwich. It's bland, but it's better than nothing.

I laugh. "Yes, Patrick. I do. And he's amazing," I say dreamily.

"What's it like? To have a boyfriend, I mean," Patrick seems so innocent and genuine, I can't help but smile.

"Well, he's lovely to me. And everyone, but especially to me. He's so cute, even though I can't see him anymore I just know it. He always looks amazing." I get excited really quickly. "And he is smart! His name is Brendon, and he's twenty four-"

I can literally sense Patrick frowning slightly. "Twenty four, Dallon? You're only sixteen!"

I laugh nervously. "Well...he is-was my old maths teacher. However, that is not an issue anymore, because he doesn't teach me anymore."

Patrick sounds happy again. "I'm so glad you're happy, Dallon. It's just like me and Pete-"

I hear Patrick clap his hand over his mouth, as I assume he said something he shouldn't have.

"Patrick? Are you okay?" I ask in confusion. I take another bite of my sandwich.

"I should not have said that," Patrick says, but it seems like it is more to himself. "It's just so hard keeping secrets sometimes."

"What are you talking about?" I ask incredulously. "Who's Pete?"

Patrick sighs beside me. "You wouldn't tell anyone, would you? No, course you wouldn't," Patrick says. "You just told me something!"

I laugh. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, Patrick."

"I want to," he says beside me. "Well, the truth is...Pete is Mr Wentz. And he's my boyfriend."

"Mr Wentz?!" I ask in disbelief. "As in principal Mr Wentz?"

"Yes, that's him," Patrick confesses, sounding guilty. "I guess that's why he chose me to meet you. Though I am happy I got to meet you!"

I finish my sandwich. "Dude, that's awesome. You have a boyfriend! I'm glad I met you. I can't picture meeting anyone else."

A bell rang, signalling the end of lunch, and Donnie got stiffly to her feet to lead us to our next class.


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