Danger days

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Author's note- Shoutout to xXryxnXx   and oddesthetic  for being so kind and supportive through this fic! It means so much to me that people like this fic, and I'm not saying y'all have to vote and comment and all but I'm so grateful for those who do :)
Also there is more drama coming up soon in these chapters because I feel like there's not enough happening lol.

Dallon's p.o.v.

I woke up in Brendon's arms. I immediately blushed at the realisation. I'm in my teacher's arms! Sigh. I'm so in love with Brendon. I look over at him, his eyes still closed and his lips slightly parted. His light breathing and the rise and fall of his chest tells me he is still in a deep sleep, and he probably won't wake up soon. That's okay.

He's cute while he sleeps anyway.

I realised we were both shirtless, and I remembered what was going down last night. I felt bad for stopping Brendon, since he probably wanted it, but I felt like I wasn't ready. I want this relationship to last, you know? And I want to know we'll last before doing anything I'll regret in the future.

A phone lighting up silently pulls me out of my thoughts. I lift the phone and read the notification. A text message.

Hey. I bet you know who this is ;)

I honestly couldn't think who this was. I usually didn't get texts, so this made me feel special, even though I had no clue who it was.

But then I realised that it was Brendon's phone. I just put it on my knee.

At first I was suspicious, but then I realised that it was an unknown number. I felt more guilty that I'd read the message, but hey, I thought it was my phone. There was nothing to worry about!

Except I got a message on my phone too. Also an unknown number.

Sup, loser, you're joining the black parade soon.

I type out a reply.

Ummm, who are you? I don't know what you're talking about I'm afraid. I think you have the wrong number.

I get a reply seconds later.

Who I am doesn't matter, but you should know I don't have the wrong number. I know things, Dallon. 
You'll be joining the black parade soon, you know. These are dangerous days.
Watch your back.

If the fact that they knew my name wasn't enough to creep me out, the entire message definitely would.

I could see Brendon stirring in his sleep, so I quickly put Brendon's phone back where it was. Brendon opened his eyes and smiled when he saw me watching him.

"Morning, Dallon," he said croakily.

"Whatcha got there?" I put my phone in my pocket.

"Nothing, nothing." I wasn't going to tell him about the message. Not when he had his own. "You slept for a while."
Brendon nodded. "I was pretty dead, I must say. How about some breakfast?"

My stomach growled in response, making me blush.

"I'll take that as a yes!"

Although I had a delicious breakfast with Brendon, pancakes with syrup and bacon, all I could think about was the message. I felt bad that I barely paid any attention to Brendon, at his house and during the car ride home, but all I could think about was the message.

Watch your back.
I know things, Dallon.
These are dangerous days.

The doubts in my head like to repeatedly say this, haunting me, driving me insane.

I wonder what Brendon's message was like. Maybe he just had a random person.

But what if it was the same person talking to him that was talking to me?

I have to make it stop. Make them stop.

Brendon's p.o.v.

I could tell Dallon wasn't paying full attention while I was talking. I knew he was trying to, but it was like there was something inside his head, not leaving him alone.

When I got back from leaving him home, I checked my phone for the first time. I had a message from an unknown number.

Hey. I bet you know who this is ;)

I had no clue actually. I had a guess it was Miss Jackson, but I remembered that she insisted in giving me her number last year, when I first started teaching here. So I knew it wasn't her.

For a second I maybe thought Sarah, but I just didn't think she'd have actually texted me so directly.

I had one other guess.

Ryan. But I had to make sure.

I typed out a reply.

I don't know, actually. Care to refresh my mind?

Within seconds, I got a reply. Wow, that was quick.

You really don't remember me? I'm offended, Mr Urie, really, I am. Well let me "refresh your mind." Keep in mind I know about your relationship. And I will tell, because I can. So I might ask for some things from you...

It's definitely Ryan. Oh no. He's going to ask for cocaine or some illegal crap. I reply again.

What do you want Ryan?

And I get a reply almost instantly again.

Wow, you do remember me, I'm impressed. Well listen to me now.
I want you to make me pass my maths exam.

I literally snorted. This is what he wanted. He literally could just study and he could already improve. I write my reply.


And of course, there is more.

Great! My parents are expecting an A*, so work your magic if you're such a great teacher, Mr Urie.
And don't think this is over.
Because it's not.
I'll be back for more, and when I come, you give me what I want.

I read the message with wide eyes.
This is blackmail?
This is blackmail!

I don't write a reply.

Mr Urie loves me (brallon)Where stories live. Discover now