Pray for the wicked

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Author's note- so I know the last chapter wasn't very long, and this one isn't going to be massive either, but I decided I'd write two shorter chapters so I could publish one today :)

Dallon's p.o.v.

By Monday, Brendon still wasn't talking to me. Now he was the one ignoring me. I thought he'd understand, that I couldn't spend all my time with him.

I decided not to walk to his class five minutes early like I used to do. I couldn't face his anger yet.

So I waited on Josh and Tyler, asking them questions about their relationship. It was definitely going better than mine.

As I walked into the class, Brendon didn't even look at me, so I just worked the whole period, trying to ignore Ryan's biting remarks and the bits of paper he threw at me. What got to me the most was Sarah's obvious flirting, asking, personal questions. But Brendon seemed to be playing along.

When I heard the bell ring, I quickly packed my bag and followed Tyler and Josh out the door. (Swat)

I had to walk home today, because Mum was still away and Gerard was working, so I decide to hang around the school for a little while before I left.

Big mistake.

Of course, I heard Ryan's familiar boots stomping on the ground, getting closer and closer so that my heart rate was beating so hard in my chest I thought it might burst. Why couldn't I have just left school like I should've done?

I couldn't try to run now, it was too late, and Ryan was smiling wickedly at me, Spencer and Jon appearing too.
Everything was suddenly a blur, as they punched and kicked me, knocking the wind out of me and leaving me breathless. I could taste blood in my mouth.

But suddenly, footsteps were approaching. Jon and Spencer took this as their cue to leave, but Ryan just stood mocking me.

It was Brendon. He grabbed Ryan off me and glared at him.

"Go get cleaned up, Dallon," he snarled. So I knew he was still mad at me, but he obviously wasn't mad enough that he didn't stop me being beat up.

I quickly got to my feet and ran past them to the closest bathrooms so I could clean myself up.

Brendon's p.o.v.

I am still very mad at Dallon. I don't know if I'll ever be the same with him again. But seeing him bleeding, in pain, that was bad.

I grabbed Ryan to hold him off Dallon. Once Dallon left, however, I still didn't let Ryan go.

I pushed him hard up against the wall, and I grabbed his shoulders so tightly it could've drawn blood.

"Listen to me, Ross, you stay away from other pupils. This school doesn't tolerate bullying, I don't want to see or hear of you hurting anyone again," I snarled aggressively in his face. He looked genuinely scared. Good. That's what I want.

But suddenly his facial expressions changed. "Ahhh, Mr Urie, it's a shame you don't feel the same way for me as I do for you," Ryan said with false innocence . "I've had...feelings for you since you started teaching here last year."

I rolled my eyes, keeping my grip on him strong. "I don't care how much you like me. You're a bully and I will get you in trouble if I catch you again. Got it?!" I tried to sound fierce, but now I was on guard, trying to work out why he was trying to confess his feelings to me.

Ryan smiled dirtily. "You are only acting like this with me because it's Dallon I'm hurting."

I stood inwardly shocked, though I was determined not to show it. "I don't know what you're talking abou-"

Ryan cut me off. "Yes, you do. I've seen the way you and Dallon look at each other in class. How he's always there before everyone and leaves after everyone. How he comes to your car most days after school."

I try to deny it. "I just give him a lift home because his mum works away-"

"Listen, Urie, I can get you in trouble as easily as you can get me in trouble," Ryan snarled. "Only your consequences are so much worse than mine."

"What do you want, Ross? To keep you quiet." I ask nervously.

He smiled his wicked, evil smile. "Nothing, nothing. Just don't tell anyone about me, and I won't tell anyone about your little relationship with Dallon. And if you tell Dallon or anyone about this, it's prison for you."
I nodded slowly. There was nothing I could do about it.

I hadn't realised my grip on Ryan had loosened, but it did, because suddenly Ryan shrugged out of my grasp and sauntered away, and I simply stared after him, making no attempt to stop him. Who knew what he was capable of?

When I was younger, my father always told me to pray for the wicked. I felt like I had to pray for Ryan. He was the wickedest of them all.

But as I drove home, there was a sudden thought that passed through my head. What do I do about Dallon?
I realised I hadn't been the best, so I had to make up with him.

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