My heart

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Author's note- just to warn you in advance- this chapter is going to be sad :(
I just think this is a good way to start to bring the fic to a close! (Please don't kill me)
You guys are probably not gonna be happy, but try and enjoy the chapter :)

Dallon's p.o.v.

I'd gotten home after another day of school. I'm starting to like it there a lot, even if I don't get to see Josh or Brendon as much as I'd like to.

I have Patrick now, after all.

Mum is away on another business trip, I believe to Delhi, so it's just me.

Mum left me food so I can just reheat it each day, since I can unsurprisingly trace my steps from the fridge to the microwave.

I do miss Mum when she's away, more than ever now, because I rely on her way too much.

However, I am expecting Brendon to visit!

I listen to my music, and I try to finish my homework, but it's just so hard. I'm too exited to see Brendon!

And all too soon, my doorbell rings. I stumble downstairs to get to the door, as if Brendon will run away if I take too long to get there.

I trace my hand along the door until I reach the handle, and I quickly turn the key and open the door for him. I feel Brendon step inside beside me, and I bet he's smiling to see me.

"I brought you roses," he says, reaching them into my hands.

I feel tears springing to my eyes. "Awww thank you! You didn't have to!" I love roses, they're just such a pretty flower.

"No problem, Dallon!" Brendon says.

I lead him inside, and I hear him laugh when I accidentally walk into the wall. Brendon helps me put the flowers in a vase and we sit down in the living room.

"How are you, Brendon?" I ask. "I've missed you!"

"I'm okay," Brendon says. I frown.

"What's wrong? You know you can tell me anything," I offer.

"I can't tell you everything," Brendon argues.

"Why not?" I persist. "I'm your boyfriend! I want to be there for you, Brendon."

"That's very kind, but I am fine, Dallon," Brendon insists.

"But-" I just want to be there for him.

"I'm breaking up with you, Dallon."

I feel my heart stop. "Why?! Did I do something to upset you?" I feel tears coming to my eyes, and I desperately try to stop them. "No! I love you, Brendon! I don't want to break up with you! I need you!"

"It's for the best, Dallon," Brendon continues.

"No, it's not! I need you here, Brendon!" I beg. "Please, don't leave me!"

"I don't feel that way anymore," Brendon says calmly. I feel him move beside me, and he walks out of my house.

No goodbye.

No apologies.

No "I love you's."

Once Brendon is definitely gone, I really break down.

Heart-wrenching sobs erupt from me, and I shake with sadness and pain.

The voice in my head returns.

See, I was right! He doesn't love you. No one loves you.

You're weak.

You're pathetic.

You should kill yourself. 

No one would miss you.

Besides, no one would be around to notice you doing it.

"No," I whisper to myself. "No, no, no. I can't do it. I can't cause Mum that much pain again. Not Josh or Patrick!"

How else will you cope?

You're depressed anyway.

Brendon obviously won't miss you when you're gone.

"Ok, I'll do it."

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