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Author's note- I finish school on Friday for Easter! I hope to keep updating every day for you guys.

*time skip- 2 weeks*
Dallon's p.o.v.

Brendon and I were getting along so well, you'd think we'd known each our whole lives, and not just a couple of months. I was actually happy, and although we both knew about the dangers of getting caught, we were being careful all the time, making sure we weren't suspicious in class at all.

I still hadn't told my mum yet about Brendon yet. I didn't know how she'd react, after all. I was scared. I'd never came out as gay, but I figured telling her I was gay and dating my maths teacher wouldn't be a good idea. Maybe too much information at once. But I would tell her someday. I promised myself I would.

Brendon's p.o.v.

Marking homework wasn't my favourite thing to do, but I knew it was a must. I was getting paid, after all. I had some great pupils, like Tyler and Josh, and of course Dallon, and a few others. There were the average pupils that worked hard but maybe not fully to their potential, and then the real troublemakers. The pupils I couldn't stand at all and hated teaching, mainly Ryan, Jon, Spencer and Sarah.

I'm not gonna lie, when I first saw Sarah at the start of my career, I thought she seemed great, but I'd never liked her like Dallon. I didn't think she was pretty, and I was surprised when she didn't work. She was like the jocks.

She just didn't care.

She was nothing like Dallon.

Josh and Tyler were just as good as Dallon. I was glad when Dallon came to school and Josh was his friend. They're both great friends to each other, from what I can tell.

But I'm Dallon's boyfriend, which makes me even better.

I decide I'm bored of marking homework, so I grabbed my phone and dialled Dallon. He answered on the second ring.

"Hey, Brendon?"

"Hey, Dallon. Are you busy?" I hoped I go to his house since his mum was away again.

"Uh, yeah, but you know it's late?" Of course it was Dallon who was worried about bedtimes.

"Can I come over?" I asked. I hate to invite myself but I highly doubted he'd mind.

"Yeah! Anytime. I also have food."

"I'll be right over."


Still Brendon's p.o.v.

When I arrived at Dallon's house, it was quite late. The sky was black with lots of stars littering the sky. It was very beautiful.

But Dallon was even more beautiful.
I knocked on his door, and it took him a minute to answer, but his smile and blush made it up to me.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey, come on in!"

I followed Dallon inside, and although his house was nowhere near the size of mine, it was a lovely house. It was immaculately clean, there was lovely furniture and there was a smell which wouldn't go past me unnoticed.

Dallon must have seen the confused look on my face, because he quickly made an explanation.

"You said you liked the cookies last time, so I, uh, made some more." He brought out a large tin filled to the brim with the very same type of cookies that he'd made before. He held them out shyly to me. "You want some?"

"Sure!" I said, taking the whole tin off Dallon, causing him to giggle. He giggled.

I followed Dallon into his living room, eating his cookies contently, and he switched on the TV.

"Want to watch a movie?" He asked.

"Yeah! What's on?"

And that was when we put on Titanic.

Although it was intended for background noise, we decided it would be better to watch it as it is such a classic. We'd missed at bit of the start but we'd both seen it before and knew the plot. I really don't like Rose. I mocked her voice, "draw me like one of your French girls, Jack!" I was not impressed that Rose had cut off Jack's chains with her eyes closed. And you can already clearly see she hit his hand.

I know I'm maybe not very nice, but I think Rose didn't deserve Jack. She let him freeze in the water! I know that door could only hold one person but did she ever think of letting Jack have a turns?

I realised that Dallon was in fact still emotional, even though he'd seen this movie before. It is rather sad, I must say. I reached over and ran my fingertips along his cheeks to collect the runaway teardrops.

"Hey, Dallon, it's only a movie," I said softly.

"B-but I j-just know Jack is g-gonna d-die!" He sobbed.

I wrapped him in my arms, feeling him relax significantly upon feeling contact.

He really was upset, though. Almost too upset for it to be just the movie.

"Dallon, are you sure you're okay? You are very upset." I was concerned that he wasn't telling me things.

He smiled at me. "I'm fine." He hugged me again, and I kissed his forehead, though I kind of miscalculated and kissed some of his hair too.

"It's really late, Brendon, do you want to stay tonight?" Dallon asked. He was so sweet. His big blue eyes told me he was still lonely without his mum.

Maybe I'd stay for company.

"I'd love to, Dallon!" I replied. Dallon just hummed in response, still in my arms, and that's how he fell asleep that night too.

I wish I had Dallon's youth. I wish I still had his innocence. But I don't, and Dallon will lose his someday too.

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