It's Saturday night

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Author's note- ahhhh thank you for 3k! I'm so glad you guys are liking this fic! I am probably going to end this fic soon, (awwww) which will make me sad because I love this fic, but I am also excited because I then I am going to start a new fic! (Yay!)
Anyway enjoy this chapter :) (also it's my mum's birthday today)

Dallon's p.o.v.

It's been a few days since I've started school, and my sight hadn't returned. I guess it's gone for good, now.

I'm actually not as scared as I thought it would be, and it's not as bad as I thought it would be either. My phone settings are set so I am told what letter I am pressing, and my texts are read out to me. Dr Sivan and Dr Harris have been visiting me at times, checking on my eyesight patterns and my mental health. Everything could be better, but also worse.

Not to mention I've been wearing the glasses that Brendon likes so much.

Getting around the place isn't too bad either, with Mum at home more frequently now, and Patrick and Donnie at school.

And I'm seeing Brendon tonight!

Well...not seeing him, because I can't. Visiting him.

Even though I probably won't see what he looks like again, I still remember his supreme beauty and I will never forget it either.

How could I?

So, on this fine Saturday night, Brendon is taking me out for dinner, to a restaurant I've never been to before, but Brendon says it has amazing service, extravagant food and has glorious decorations, though I can not see them, I trust it's true. He also told me to wear my best clothes, because it's unbelievably fancy, which sets the impression to me that it's unbelievably expensive too.

I have to get Mum to pick out my clothes, since I can't see what is decent.

I manage to pull my clothes on myself for once, which is a victory in itself, and I locate my hair and run my hands through it a couple of times.

"You look amazing, Dallon," my mum says. "You're wearing your black suit, and a blue tie to really emphasise your eyes."

I feel myself blushing slightly, when I hear the door ring. He's here!

Brendon's p.o.v.

These past few days have been hard without Dallon.

I can sense a change in the classroom. The whole class just seems...incomplete like Dallon needs to be there, as if he is the final piece to finish the jigsaw puzzle.

But to my dismay, he's probably not gonna come back to school again.

On the bright side, I don't have to worry about dating him anymore, since he isn't my pupil anymore.

That's a plus.

I wear a sparkly red suit, with a white shirt and matching red tie. It's a lot, but this place is a lot too.

It's literally a castle.

I just wish Dallon could see it.


"You look amazing, Dallon," I whisper in his ear, as we arrive at the castle. "I wish you could see yourself right now."

He blushes adorably. "Well, thanks, I bet you look gorgeous right now too."

"You bet I do!" I say. I'm cocky, I know, but I'm sure he doesn't mind.

I help Dallon out of my car, still running, and hand the keys to a young boy nearby, who's name tag says Shane, takes them hurriedly and rushes to park my car for me.

Although I am here regularly, the setting still amazes me. Marble floors, glass chandeliers, large golden staircases, I think you can understand why I wish Dallon could see it.

A waitress with blonde hair,

in a skinny black dress, showing off a bit too much, welcomes us with a smile.

"Hello! My name is Jenna, and I'll be your waitress for tonight. Follow me, please." She leads us to a table for two, smiling the whole way. "Here you are, gentlemen," she says, before winking at me.

I scowl. I'm here on a date! "Thanks," I say as politely as possible, though I am fuming. And that Dallon can't even tell what's she's doing!

Once she leaves, I pull Dallon's chair out for him, like a true gentleman.

He giggles. "Thanks!"

"You're welcome, babe." I smirk. "But there's something I should say. Maybe you should take our glasses off, since we're in such an important place."

"Ah, okay," he says, quickly removing his glasses, and trying to focus his eyes. "What's on the menu?"

"I'm glad you ask, Dallon, and there's lots, but you have to have the salmon. It's delicious." I say excitedly.

"Okay!" He says like a little child, just before Jenna returns to take our orders.

"What would you like, gentlemen?" She asks, though she doesn't look at Dallon once. Not that he notices, but it annoys me.

"We'll have two salmons please," I say, through gritted teeth.

"Of course," she says, smiling, before turning her back to me so fast her dress slides up her thighs and almost reveals a sight I do not want to see.

I turn back to Dallon, and I suddenly realise how hard it must be for me to tell him how amazing this place is, and he can't see it.

"Hey, Dallon, you know I love you right?" I ask him quietly.

"Of course," he says, his eyes actually meeting mine, though he doesn't know that. "I wouldn't doubt it. Why do you ask?"

"No reason," I shrug, loosening my tie slightly. "I just feel like, I don't show you enough how much I love you. And with everything that's's just been hard on you."

"Relax, Brendon," Dallon says. "Everything will be okay. I'm getting used to it, and it's hard on you too. We have each other. We'll get through it!"

I open my mouth to reply, but Jenna returns with our meals, which look as good as I'd expected. 

"Here are your meals, gentlemen," she states, setting our plates down carefully in front of us. "Enjoy!" She turns to me, and whispers in my ear so only I can hear, "though if you ever want more than just a meal, come back here and see me." She says, winking at me.

I take a deep breath, and I say slowly, in case she somehow can't or refuses to understand, "Sorry, but I am currently taken," I shrug. "This is actually my boyfriend right here, Dallon. You know, this young fella who you have refused to look at all night?"

She stares at me, realising my answer is no, and that I'm gay, before turning and walking off without another word.

She doesn't bother us again.

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