Josh Dun!

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Dallon's p.o.v.

I woke up to the sound of my mum lightly tapping on my bedroom door.

"Dallon, it's time to get up, sweetie, you are going to school today!" She was talking softly, like she didn't want to disturb me too much by talking loudly.

I bounced out of bed, smiling. Now I know so many people hate school, but I don't. I don't love it either, but it's bearable. I like to see Josh.

I always dress smartly for school so I put on a pair of trousers, a white shirt and a pale blue bow tie. I even wore suspenders. I was just so excited to go back to school! I fixed my hair too, and put on my glasses. I thought I looked okay, until I looked in the mirror. My happy demeanour evaporated off me when I realised how awful I looked. My trousers kept sliding down my waist, and my shirt was too baggy. I had dark circles under my eyes and I just looked dead.

My mum calling me downstairs, however, brought me out of my depressed reverie and I hurried downstairs. I gave her a quick hug goodbye, muttering I didn't have time for breakfast and began my walk to school, knowing I'd be a bit late, but oh well. Just once will be okay.

I arrived at school just five minutes late. It was to my advantage that I wasn't new and that I actually knew my way around, because it definitely made life easier. I went to the school office and asked for my new timetable for the year. The office staff, Ashley, smiled at me as she remembered who I was.

"Dallon! You're back again! It's good to see you," she smiled happily.

"Thanks, you too," I said before hurrying to my first class. I realised with a groan that it was maths for a double first thing on a Monday. I only minded because I had to climb three flights of stairs to get there, and no one has that amount of energy on a Monday morning. Or any morning. Or any time at all.

I was hoping that I wouldn't get any commotion when I walked in, but I already knew that with Josh being in my class, there would be something.

I opened the door and of course Josh screams my name. I blush lightly and walk awkwardly to my desk. I thought Josh would've been there, but I forgot Tyler had started coming since last year. Not that I mind. I couldn't expect Josh to sit by himself all year! I saw our teacher, who must be new. He had chocolate brown eyes, but they were set firmly. He had styled brown hair and he was shorter than me. He looked to be in his twenties, and his clothing style was smart, like me. A shirt and tie, trousers and even a blazer. I didn't want to stare too much, so I made it subtle.

Brendon's p.o.v.

I have to admit, I was a bit disappointed when I realised that this Dallon Weekes didn't show up to my class. But what was I expecting? He didn't come to school for all of last year, and he maybe just isn't ready to come back yet.

However, I was suddenly surprised when the door quietly opens and Josh Dun shouts, "DALLON!" Before jumping out of his seat and hugging Dallon as though his life depended on it. He turned to me, looking sheepish, and mouthed "sorry," before sitting down again. The rest of the class stared in amazement that Dallon actually came to class. They were as shocked as I was, it seemed.

Someone muttered sarcastically, "Wow, he's actually still alive." I looked at the culprit who of course was Ryan Ross.

He always caused trouble.

I couldn't help but stare at Dallon as he walked to his desk, right in front of me. He was cute, I'm not gonna lie. He was a good bit taller than me, but I definitely weighed more. He was extremely skinny, and I could see he was struggling to keep his trousers up, and I was trying not to look at his...yeah. His shirt was hanging around his chest and his suspenders were trying to keep his shirt in place, but the one thing that startled me was his eyes. Bright blue eyes, which were like ice, but they had a glint of nervousness in them. His tie really brought his eyes out.

Dallon sat down silently and I felt like he didn't like attention, so I began the lesson without causing any commotion.
As the class worked, I realised that Dallon didn't seem to be struggling at all. He had missed a full year of school and was in the top maths class but he was still doing great!

The bell brought the class to an end, and I took the opportunity to talk to Dallon, by asking him to stay behind. He obliged silently.

"So, Dallon, you're finding the work okay?" I asked.

"Yes, it's all good." His lips tugged at a smile.

"And what about last year's work?" I pressed, wanting to know how he managed to know things he had missed.

"Josh visited me twice a week. He'd bring me notes and homeworks for every subject and the next time he visited he would give me more homework and take my other homeworks into school to be marked. Josh is a great friend." I looked at him with great interest.

"Impressive, Weekes. My name is Mr Urie, by the way." I smirked at him, making him blush and hide his face.

"Okay, Mr Urie, can I go now?" He seemed keen to go to his other classes!

Maybe I made him nervous.

"Uh, yeah, sure. Just one more question, why did you miss all of last year?" I knew I probably shouldn't have asked, but my curiosity was too much.

Dallon immediately looked away,
avoiding my gaze. I knew I shouldn't have asked him. Before I knew what I was doing, I reached forwards and tilted his chin towards me, so he was facing me. "Hey, Dallon, I'm sorry, it wasn't my place to ask. Forget I asked the question and it doesn't matter, okay?"

He nodded slowly. "Okay," he replied before blushing again. "I have to go now."

And he walked gently out of the classroom with so much more grace and elegance than I could ever manage.

I hope you liked this chapter! Dallon and Brendon have finally met! There will be drama soon :)

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