The office

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Author's note- I'm updating again! I loved how everyone got so angry in the last chapter, it was of course the reaction I expected, but I found everyone's comments really hilarious to read and I have even put _HonestlyDishonest_ in this chapter as a character, since everyone believes Brendon should be taught a lesson. I really love this chapter, I hope you enjoy it :)

Brendon's p.o.v.

It was just like a normal day, but by normal I mean before I ever met Dallon.

The only real differences were that Ryan was no longer here and I was now dating Sarah, something that I never imagined.

Her friend, Quinn, a girl with pale skin and dark brown hair that grew right past her shoulders, with pretty blue eyes that looked just like Dallon's, kept staring daggers into me behind her glasses. Not that she could do much damage, since she was only five foot two at most. She was no threat to me.

Sarah wasn't even in school today, what could Quinn want?

But she was still there. It was slightly off putting to say the least.

It was like she knew about Sarah and I.

I continued to help the class with their maths exam, which was now dangerously close, when Quinn asked to go to the toilet.

Sure, I thought. It won't be a problem. Just let her go.

I shrug nonchalantly and dismiss her, returning my attention back to the particularly difficult logarithms solution. Seriously, there's something wrong if I can't do it.

Fifteen minutes later, Quinn still isn't back from the bathroom, and I start to think she is skiving, however I finally complete the solution to the question, just as the bell rings.

Just then, Mr Seaman walks into the room, apologising to some pupils as he accidentally blocks their way out of the room.

He doesn't look happy.

"Brendon, come to my office please," he says sternly.

I follow him down to his office rather confidently, I must be getting a promotion! Most teachers get one after working two years here.

But when I get there....

I see Quinn sitting in front of Ryan's desk, with Sarah sitting beside her.

"Take a seat, Brendon," Ryan commands. I obey him, and he continues to speak.

"Quinn and Sarah here tell me you've been in a rather..." he coughs awkwardly, "intimate relationship with multiple pupils, currently Sarah however." I glare at Quinn, who smirks at me. Before I get to speak, Ryan speaks again.

"You know this is illegal, right?" Ryan asks, and I nod my head yes. I think I would make him even madder if I said no. "So you know it is? And how many pupils have you done this with?"

"One," I lie. I'm not going to admit to anything he doesn't already know.

"That's not true," Quinn says. "He dated Dallon too!"

"So that was true?!" Ryan asks in disbelief. "So Ryan was right about something, even if what he did was wrong."

"How did you know, Quinn?!" I ask.

She scoffs. "Everyone knows. We just never said anything. Until now." I give her another glare.

"When Brendon, I am afraid to tell you, you are fired," Ryan says bluntly. "You can take your things and leave anytime today, but the sooner the better."

"But why?!" I protest angrily. "I never did anything to Dallon! And Sarah is right here-"

"I'm pregnant, Brendon, it's over," she says angrily. "You're eight years older than me and I'm carrying your baby! I only let you do it because you wanted to, but the way you treated me...I'm going to have to carry a baby around and it's your fault!" Sarah grabs her bag and runs out of Ryan's office, crying angry tears.

"I don't know what else to say, Brendon, I think you should leave now," Ryan says. "Thank you for providing all this useful information, Quinn. You did the right thing. Oh, and tell me how Sarah is."

I get up to leave, and Quinn does the same, as I realise her belongings are still in the classroom.

She follows me all the way to my classroom, making me extremely irritated, and she smiles the whole way, I'm assuming because of me leaving.

"Why did you do it?" I ask.

"What do you mean?" She asks innocently.

"Snitch, tell on me," I say, growing exasperated with her. She grins.

"Why, I was simply a good friend. Sarah...changed. She was not as happy, and I asked her what was wrong. She quickly told me that you started dating her, and she was pregnant. What were you thinking?!" Quinn says. "After you hurt my best friend, I did what any friend should do. I told. And if I was a boy, you'd be on the ground right now."

I scoff at her. "Sarah's the one who couldn't keep her legs together! And a likely thought, you're way too short to do any real damage to a guy like me. You're no threat, Quinn."

Suddenly Quinn's face turned bright red and before I saw it coming, she stomped over to me and punched me right in the face.

"I'm no threat? Ha!" She laughs, before grabbing her bag and retreating from my room, leaving me with a bloody nose.


As I gather the rest of my things, Miss Jackson walks into my room.

"I heard about what happened, Brendon," even she doesn't like me anymore, she isn't impressed. "You just ruined two pupils" lives!"

"Yeah, well they brought it on themselves," I say carelessly.

"It's good you're leaving," Miss Jackson says with disgust. "Good riddance to someone like you."

"I could say the same," I reply, earning another punch to the face.

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