Holding on to you

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Author's note- I think I may have the put some trigger warnings on some chapters starting from here. I will make it obvious so everyone will see it but just giving you a head's up since some people can get triggered bc of their backgrounds etc and I don't want to upset or offend anyone. But from here you all know now you've been warned!

Trigger warnings- smoking, violence, suicidal thoughts

Dallon's p.o.v.

Everything was going great right then. I had a boyfriend, I was doing well in school, Josh and Tyler were going out, Josh and me were still in a great friendship, Mum was back, and I even forgot that I had been in a mental hospital for almost a full year.
I never had felt happier.

I was giddy with excitement as I bounced to maths five minutes early, as always.

Mr Urie looked up and his face brightened up as he watched me come in.

"Dallon!" He cried, wrapping his arms around me, making me blush. "Hey."


"Did you do your homework?" Mr Urie asked playfully.

"Of course! I even put extra effort into it for you!" I tried my best to put my best effort in all my homeworks, but I do try a lot harder for Brendon.

Josh and Tyler entered then, so I sat down in my normal seat, right at the front of the class, like normal.

When the whole class was in, Brendon asked everyone to bring out their homework. Everyone obliged.

Except Ryan and Sarah.

Of course.

"Why don't you have your homework with you, Ryan?" Brendon asked, strongly irritated. Ryan rolled his eyes.

"Because I decided, 'hey, why waste time on something I don't want to do, when life is full of other things!'" Ryan retorted, making the class snigger, and Brendon glared at him.

"I hope you realise this year's exam makes up fifty percent of your final grade, and I don't think Mr and Mrs Ross will be very impressed if you get kicked out of this school for failing your maths exam," Brendon replied venomously. "What do you think, Ryan?" I stared at Brendon in shock.

I'd never seen him this mad. Sure, he was mad when he realised someone had hurt me, but this was a totally new level.

The class went silent. I guess they'd never seen Brendon this mad either.

But Ryan went beetroot red with anger.

Sarah smirked that she hadn't got in trouble, but Ryan had, but Brendon quickly realised why she was smirking and chose her as his next victim.

"Where's your homework, Sarah?" Brendon asked, his voice so soft it was dangerous.

"Well, I was hoping you'd give me an extension, Mr Urie," Sarah said sweetly, flipping her brown hair over her shoulder and looking at him innocently with her brown eyes.

"No, Sarah, you're not getting an extension. You're no different from anyone else in the class, you know! You do the work like everyone else!" Sarah just looked down at her nails, blocking out what Brendon was saying.

Mr Urie loves me (brallon)Where stories live. Discover now