You have the right to remain silent

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Author's note- I really like this chapter guys, I had it all planned out in my head before I'd even started writing it in a draft. This chapter might not be the longest, but it is going to be necessary for the plot and there is some degree of drama. I hope you guys like it :)

Dallon's p.o.v.

"So, Dallon, you remember what happened?" The principal asks, sitting at his desk with his head resting on his hands, his fingers meshed together.

It is Monday morning now, and I can still see today. My vision was gone yesterday, but it made a surprise appearance again today, to my delight.

My mum must've told Mr Seaman that my condition had improved since the incident, so he asked me to report to his office to explain my current state.

I am currently with Mr Seaman, Ryan, Jon, Spencer, Miss Jackson, Mr Gullible and Brendon is here for some reason. It must be at least a little suspicious that he is here and he's the only one out of us that wasn't present at the time, but he says he was asked to go since he teaches all of us and he can reflect on our behaviour in class.

By now everyone except me has given their own reports of the occurrence.

"Yes, sir, I remember now," I nod. Mr Seaman nods, looking at Ryan with a cold glare. Mr Seaman is a lovely man, though I sometimes wonder if he is cut out to be a principal. His bright blue hair makes him look extremely hypocritical when he stands in assembly and lectures about having dyed hair.

Ryan scowls in response, while Jon shifts nervously in his seat. Meanwhile, Spencer is staring off into space, in his own world. He probably doesn't what is happening right now. He probably doesn't even know where he is right now.

"So, Dallon, care to explain what happened then?" Mr Seaman asks. Ryan had made up an only slightly convincing lie, saying that I started the fight and Ryan was only acting in self defence.

I tell them what really happened, how he hit me with the damned crowbar and screamed at me and left me lying there in my own blood.

The teachers sit and listen to me, stunned by what I'm saying.

When I finish, Ryan is the first to react. "He's lying! Can't you tell? I'm inno-"

"Ryan!" Mr Seaman says sharply. "There was a crowbar at the scene, which I might add, has been investigated. The police ran tests and your fingerprints were on the crowbar. You're also unscathed. And Mr Urie has told me about you before. You're not the best child around."

Ryan's face turns a shade of ruby red. I can see the vein in his forehead pulsing and there is steam coming out of his ears. Metaphorically, of course.

"It brings me regret to tell you this, but Ryan, you are expelled," Mr Seaman says.

"EXPELLED?!" Ryan blows up. "He deserved it! I wasn't the only one involved! What about Jon and Spencer?!"

"Ah, yes, well Jon, Spencer, you are both suspended for a month. You don't see to have caused Dallon any physical damage, but you aren't completely innocent," Mr Seaman adds. "I suggest you boys maybe find some better friends, with better influences."

Jon and Spencer both look somber, as they rose from their seats and leave the room, without saying a word or making any eye contact with anyone, though they can feel everyone's gaze on them as they go.

"You should consider yourself lucky, Ryan," Mr Seaman scolds, like a mother might to her child. "We could have sent you to the police, possibly sent you to prison even."

Ryan looks furious. "Yeah, well Mr Urie is the one who should be going to prison! He's in a relationship with Dallon!"

The room falls silent. Mr Seaman looks at Brendon and I for a confirmation or denial.

"That's not true," Brendon snaps. "You're just saying that to try and find a reason to get us in trouble!"

I feel Ryan glaring at me.

"He's lying!" Ryan insists. "Listen to me! I know what I'm talking about!"

"Shut up," Brendon snarls. "That isn't tr-"

"Maybe you should let Dallon speak and hear his side of the story," Mr Seaman cut off, probably the best thing to do right now, since Ryan and Brendon looked like they could murder each other right now.

"Well..." I start, "my memory isn't great," I begin. "I cannot remember anything since school began this year. So I cannot recall ever being in a relationship with Br-Mr Urie. However, I am pretty sure, if I had ever been in a relationship with Mr Urie, I would not forget about it, even if I was in my state right now."

Mr Seaman looked satisfied with my answer. "See, Ryan? Stop accusing people without proof."

"But sir-"

"Kindly leave, Ryan, since you are expelled," Mr Seaman says. "If you do not leave, I will call the police for trespassing in school property and being a danger to others."

Ryan growled in response, before walking out of the office, slamming the door on the way out.


"When you said that in the office, you made my heart melt," Brendon says, as I sit in his massive living room in his massive house. It doesn't seem familiar, but I bet my reaction was the same when I first visited here.

"Well, I still unfortunately don't remember our relationship before, but I bet it was super special, so I decided to use it as a defence for our relationship," I say. "It's something I would have always remembered, if I had the choice."

Brendon wraps me in a hug, pressing a kiss to my lips.

"I love you so much, Dallon," he mutters on my lips. I blush.

"I love you too," I reply. "Whether I remember our relationship before now or not. We have to keep moving forward."

"That's something I'm willing to do."

Mr Urie loves me (brallon)Where stories live. Discover now