Hold me tight or don't

978 47 25

Author's note- shoutout to pleasedontjump for voting on all my chapters! Thanks so much! You should also check out their works, they're amazing! I hope you enjoy this chapter

Brendon's p.o.v.

Today is the day I will ask Dallon to make the decision. Will he be with me or not? Will I hold him tight, or don't? (I know that doesn't make full sense but I wanted to match the lyric lol) All I could think about over the weekend was Dallon. How would I ask him? All the possibilities of what he would say and all the possibilities of my reaction to his response. I couldn't concentrate on anything but Dallon. He would be the death of me. His smile, his blue eyes, everything about him.

Since Dallon's class was the last class I had today, I had to teach all my other classes first, but I was being held in so much anticipation and suspense that I could hardly even think straight, so I just gave most of my classes work to do from their textbooks. Unprofessional, I know, but I'd make it up to them some other time.

By lunch time, I was not in the mood to eat. I had no appetite. But if you don't eat anything, the teachers being who they are, immediately assume there's something wrong, so I took a burger and made an attempt to eat it.

I had barely eaten half of my burger, which was surprisingly delicious, when I heard a voice I didn't want to hear.

"BRENDONNNNNNN!" The shrill female voice screamed, before the teacher practically sprinted over to me, almost dropping her tray of food.

And I thought I was unprofessional.

She sat down next to me, looking at me with her fake brown, puppy eyes and flipping her long brown hair.

"Hey, Miss Jackson," I said unenthusiastically. Even if she called me by my first name, I always called her Miss Jackson. Calling someone by their first name means you're no longer formal with them. You're more friends, buddies. You're in a relationship of some sort, which leads to attachment. Some amount of respect is lost. Not that I have an overly big amount of respect for her. She wears quite indecent clothing, especially for a teacher, and having known her from my teenage years, I remember her as the girl who would date many boys, just to get in their pants.

Not me, though. I'm not stupid. Or straight, for that matter.

"You look really good today, Brendon," she whispered in my ear, tracing her finger along my leg. She grabs my hand and puts it on her breast, which I quickly remove it from.

"Thanks," I say shortly. She brings her fingers closer up my leg and I now started get flustered. Not because I like it, because I really don't, but because I don't know how far she's going to go before she stops. How far I'll let her go before I make her stop. Or maybe she won't stop. Her hand gets closer and closer to my area, and I'm hearing warning bells go off in my head, and by the smile on her face I assume she isn't going to stop, so I grab her hand and push her away.

"I'm not interested," I snap. "Leave me alone." Miss Jackson just smirks and raises an eyebrow in a playful manner.

"I love the ones that are hard to get," she said huskily. "You'll want me sometime, and when you do, you know where to find me." She puts a finger in her mouth as she grabs her tray of food, uneaten, and walks off, swaying her hips, her short skirt almost showing off too much and her cleavage almost spilling over her blouse. If I was straight, I don't even think I'd go out with someone like her. She disgusts me.

I don't eat the rest of my burger.

By the time Dallon's class comes in, I'm practically bouncing with anticipation. I try to act as normal as I can, greeting the pupils as they come in, though I didn't speak to Dallon when he came in early. I'll wait until after.

"Right, class, today we're going to learn about trigonometry. Turn to page one hundred and eighty two please and read the notes, and then do the questions." I was so nervous I realised I wouldn't be able to teach, but the class mostly obeyed.

Except for Ryan and Sarah.

Sarah, like Miss Jackson, tries to flirt with me with every opportunity she gets. When I'm walking around the room to check how everyone's doing, she purposely drops her pen right in front of me, reaching down in front of my crotch to retrieve it. Her hand brushes along my crotch, and I just step back uncomfortably. I don't miss her smirk though.

Ryan just wouldn't shut up, he kept saying crap about Dallon, and how surprised he was that Dallon was still alive and at school. I could see the hurt on Dallon's face, but I couldn't do much except tell Ryan to "be quiet and work," and shoot him the occasional glare. I didn't want to look suspicious.

When the bell rang, signalling the end of the day, the rest of the class gather their things and leave, but I stop Dallon before he gets out. He looks at me curiously.

Dallon's p.o.v.

Mr Urie asks me to stay behind but I don't know why. I'm not in trouble! I just signal that Josh can leave and he gives me a little wave as he goes.

"Dallon, i need to apologise for kissing you on Friday, it was totally uncalled for," Mr Urie says awkwardly. I smile.

"It's okay," I reply. It's all I can think to say.

"However, I need to ask you something." Man, he seems nervous.

"Sure," I wait for him to continue.

"I know I kissed you on Friday, but the truth is, I liked it. Did you?" Wow. How do I answer that?

"I mean, you took me by surprise, but yeah I liked it, it was my first kiss," I say sheepishly.



"Well, Dallon, I need to ask you one more thing."

"Go on."

"Would you like to go out with me? If you liked that kiss before, you might like it again." Mr Urie flirts. I can see why he was nervous! I hesitate. This answer could change my entire life either way. But I think I know it.

"Yes, Mr Urie, I'd love to be your boyfriend." I smiled at him. He smiled back, from ear to ear.

"Good. The first thing you should know is my name is Brendon."

Mr Urie loves me (brallon)Where stories live. Discover now