All the needless beating

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Author's note- wow I just want to say wow I'm already nearly at 100 views! Thanks, you guys :)

Dallon's p.o.v.

The first week went pretty smoothly. Mr Urie actually complimented me and Josh for our delicious cookies, which Mr Urie described, and I quote, "the best cookies he'd ever eaten." I was thrilled, to say the least. I was pretty much settling back into school, it was almost as if I'd never missed any school at all. My English teacher, Miss Jackson, said I was still top of the class, and my physics teacher, Mr Gullible, said I should seriously consider taking physics as a course at college. I politely declined. I like music. I'd like to start a band, or even just be a music teacher, if that makes me happy. Josh and Tyler were going strong, Josh was immensely shy and nervous around Tyler, the opposite of what he was like with me, but Tyler seems to be the dominant type. Josh and I still hang out all the time, my mum loves Josh and his mum likes me too. Everything seemed to be going great for me.

But after the first week, things started to change. It was like luck was going easy on me to let me settle in, but ran out once I was doing well.

It was Ryan.

I should've known that Ryan would never leave me alone, whether I missed a year or not. I could have been in a coma for a year, on the verge of death, and he'd still pick on me when I come back.

I was standing at my locker when I heard him coming. You could hear the chains on his jeans lightly jingling but his boots were heavy and his confident strides would stomp on the floor with his every step. He and his crew seemed to like picking on me. I guess I was weak to them. I am weak.

They stride up to me and knock my books out of my hands, scattering them across the floor like leaves. I bend down to collect them, which I quickly discover is a mistake. They push me over onto the floor and they kick me in the ribs and my face. I feel Ryan's heavy boots the most. They laugh as my nose begins to bleed and I close my eyes to prevent them being kicked. I gasp as they kick me in the groin. I immediately move my hands to that area in pain and that kick my face again and again and again. They seem to find that the climax and so they get bored and wander off, laughing as I groan in pain. I should've known Ryan was going to come back. I should've been ready. Why wasn't I ready?

I knew Ryan had some sort of hate for me for some reason, but Jon and Spencer seemed to be the kind who just followed Ryan around. I still didn't like them, though. I couldn't, even if I tried. I just wish Josh was here. Not because he could stick up for me, because I couldn't let him do that. No, I'd just like his comfort after the pain. Maybe he'd help me get cleaned up. He tried to stand up for me once and they beat him up to a pulp. Worse than they beat me up that day. I didn't let Josh try again, even if he fought against it.

I'm not worth it, and I never will be.

I tried to get up again, but the pain in my ribs protested, so I just lay there in pain. I must've been lying on the floor for a while, just lying there, making no effort to get up, because I didn't hear the footsteps approaching. Once I realised, however, I was too late to react. I lay in fear of Ryan and co. coming back again for Round Two, but I was somewhat relieved to hear a friendly, non-threatening voice.

"Dallon, are you okay?!" It was Mr Urie, of course. "You're bleeding, Dallon!" I just whimpered in response.

Embarrassing, I know, but I couldn't believe he was seeing me like this. Pathetic and helpless, lying on the floor.

"Here," Mr Urie said, coming over to me and taking my hands, "I'll help you up, okay? I'll just pull you gently, okay?" I just nodded, submitting to whatever he was going to do. He lightly tugged on my arms, before pulling me up to my feet. The blood on my face was drying by now, but there was more still pouring out from my nose. I used my hand to try and stop it, but to no avail.

"Come on, Dallon, let's get you cleaned up," Mr Urie stated. I weakly followed him to the bathroom, where he took some toilet roll and held it up against my nose. "Not the best quality, I know, but it'll help, Dallon. Trust me, it will."
I let him hold it there, while he looked me in the eyes the whole time. I blushed embarrassedly and dropped my gaze, but I could tell Mr Urie was still staring at me.

"There, Dallon, the bleeding has stopped," he smiled lightly, but I could see something in his eyes. Anger? Probably. But why? I'm not important. He doesn't even know what happened.

"Thanks, Mr Urie," I replied, smiling, but grimaced when I realised it hurt to smile. Mr Urie noticed pretty quickly.

"Dallon, who did this to you?" He asked. I shrugged.

"It doesn't matter," I replied, dropping my gaze.

Mr Urie repeated the question, getting frustrated, but I couldn't tell him.

"Mr Urie, I can't tell you. If I told you it would get worse. And I'm not a snitch. I'm sorry," I said this and then walked out of the bathroom, trying to get out of the school as fast as I could. I could hear Mr Urie behind me, trying to keep up, but I knew I was too fast. One of the only advantages of being tall- I'm fast and can get away fast. Like I did then.

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