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Author's note- after string some questions in my last part, I will answer them now! Please do not read this if you haven't finished the fic, as this may spoil some parts. After this I will take a little break from wattpad for a while, but i will be back, so don't worry! Anyway, enjoy 😊

1. What happened to Brendon?

Ok, so after Brendon got fired, I never really thought about him again, I always had him in my head that he would just go to another school to teach, but probably wouldn't try the same thing again. I think he learned his lesson.

2. Did I have to do any research for Dallon's blindness?

No, I actually didn't, which may be a bad thing, but I just used my own knowledge from other books I've read (but no copying) and some common sense I guess. There were times when i forgot that he was blind and had to fix what I was writing since it wouldn't make sense 😅

3. What happened to Ryan Ross?

Well, he got expelled, so he definitely couldn't bother dallon or Brendon anymore at least, I think he would go to another school, but I don't think he would behave in the same way again. Or maybe he could because of his personality, but you'll never know

4. What inspired you to write this fic?

Well I actually just thought it would be a good story, something maybe a bit different, I'm sure we all make up pretend scenarios in our heads, so I just wrote this one to make a fic.

5. Did you have the ending planned out from the start?

Actually no, at the start I didn't really know what I was doing, I was making it up as I went along. Then I realised the fic wasn't really going anywhere and there wasn't much happening so then I started to plan it out, and once that happened I had the ending in sight, but I would still add in details along the way.

6. Can you stop being so good at writing?

Well thank you very much, that really made me smile! I would say I'm not a really great writer though, I don't think this fic was written in any special way, but thank you!

7. Why did Brendon turn into such an ass?

Well like I said, I didn't really know where to go with the story at the start or what to do, and when I decided how to finish it, it seemed like an essential part to the story. I think in my head, I had it that they would never work out, so I guess the fic shouldn't really be a "brallon" fic since it doesn't end that way. I am sorry if anyone is annoyed by Brendon being a bit of an ass, but it seemed like the best way, to me, for the story to work out.

8. If you made a "part 2" what do you think would happen? Would Brendon and Dallon cross paths? Would Brendon want Dallon back?

Well in my head, the fic was sort of just over after what happened, so I don't think they would cross paths intentionally at least, since Dallon is back in the mental hospital and Brendon is fired. I feel like if they did cross paths, Brendon wouldn't want him back. I know it probably sounds boring, but I think it's the best way it would end.

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