It's an idea

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Author's note- hey guys! So I know there hasn't been a lot of drama in this fic yet, I'm working on it and there should be some drama soon. I'm just having some trouble leading into it.
The truth is, I've been exhausted lately. I don't sleep well, and because I write each chapter at night, I can't focus properly which is probably why I make some mistakes and the chapters aren't great. But I hope I can keep updating anyway :)

Brendon's p.o.v.

I woke up in an unfamiliar place. It took me a second to register why there was a weight on my chest and where I was.

I was on Dallon's sofa, with Dallon in my arms, just like last night. His head rested on my stomach, which was why I felt an extra weight.

I smiled down at Dallon. He looked so happy and pure sleeping there. The corners of his lips twitches, as if trying to smile, and he breathed gently. He didn't even snore.

Looking at the time, I realised I needed to go home. I was going to meet my parents sometime soon, and they could show up at any time. I didn't want to have to explain that I was sleeping at my boyfriend's (and also pupil) house.
I really didn't want to move Dallon, I wanted to let him sleep. I realised by the dark bags under his eyes that he mustn't get much sleep. Maybe his mum being constantly being away worries him that something will happen to her or him? Or maybe he's just lonely and can't sleep.

I stroke his hair gently, before inching my way out from under his head, lifting him slightly, before putting a cushion under his head in place of my stomach, before lowering his head again.
He didn't even stir.

"Goodbye, Dallon," I whispered.

I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, as if to say sorry for leaving him, and I decided to write a note to explain why I'd left without saying goodbye to him. I mean I did say goodbye, but he wouldn't have heard me.

So I found a piece of paper and wrote on it:

Hi Dallon,
I am sorry I had to leave so early. My parents are coming to visit sometime today, and I don't know when. I want to be there for their arrival, so they don't have any questions as to where I've been. Maybe you'll meet them someday!
I'm sorry I didn't wake you up before I left. You looked so peaceful sleeping there, and I think you needed to sleep. I will see you on Monday, if not before!
Brendon xx

I put the note on the coffee table by the sofa, hoping Dallon would see it when he woke up, and I snuck out of his house so not to wake him up from his slumber.

Dallon's p.o.v.

I woke up, feeling groggy and missing something. Then I remembered.

Brendon was here last night.

He was what I was missing.

I rubbed my eyes, trying to wake myself up more, before noticing a note out of the corner of my eye. I reached for it, realising it was from Brendon, and I began to read it.

Hi Dallon,
I am sorry I had to leave so early. My parents are coming to visit sometime today, and I don't know when. I want to be there for their arrival, so they don't have any questions as to where I've been. Maybe you'll meet them someday!
I'm sorry I didn't wake you up before I left. You looked so peaceful sleeping there, and I think you needed to sleep. I will see you on Monday, if not before!
Brendon xx

It took my a minute for my eyes to focus, but when they did I smiled as I read it, it made sense. I don't think arriving to own your house after your parents would go down very well, especially after knowing that he spent the night with a sixteen year old pupil of his who also turned out to be his illegal boyfriend. Wouldn't that sound great?

Mother would be so proud.

As I was having my breakfast, Josh called. I answered on the second ring.

"Hey, Josh! What's up?" I was happy to talk to him, as always.

"I was just wondering if you'd like I hang out sometime. We haven't hung out in a while now." I could hear the slight sadness in Josh's voice, and I immediately felt guilty. I know Josh had Tyler, but I was spending so much time with Brendon that I basically forgot about Josh. I'm such a bad friend.

"Oh, sure, Josh! I'm sorry I haven't hung out with you for a while." I really meant it when I said it.

"Thanks, Dallon. I miss you, you know? It's like, you were away for a year and I was by myself, but now you're back and I still feel like I'm by myself."

"I'm sorry, Josh. I promise I'll make it up to you." I also meant that. I could hear him brightening up.

"Great! We could go to the cinema?" Josh offered hopefully.

"Yes, I'd love to!" I was actually really excited to go.

"Great, Dallon! What about later? Like 7:30?"

"Ok, Josh, see you then." I hung up, using my phone to look up the possible movies we could see. There's was some scary ones which I didn't want to watch, to say the least. There was some we were too young for, and some that were just not my taste.

But the one I wanted to see was The Greatest Showman.

And that's the one we got to see.

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